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Back in Ireland

Post 1


I arrived back in Dublin last night, and have since had a good 12 hours sleep, and feel approximately normal! The flight wasn't too painful, altho I was absolutely wrecked by the time I arrived in London, having chosen to stay awake all the way from Tokyo (12.5 hours or so). I passed the time by watching movies: An Inconvenient Truth (well presented, and depressing as hell! if mostly also stuff I already know), Memories of Matsuko (Japanese, a bit surreal, funny and sad - interesting), Click (Adam Sandler, funny in places and well-meant, altho a little heavy handed on the moral guidance) and The Hunt for Red October - still worth watching smiley - smiley

I also read half of Memoirs of a Geisha, and was really enjoying it, but managed to leave it on the seat next to me when I got off (D'oh!)...

Damn terrorists and stupid security precautions at Heathrow also cost me a can of deoderant - which I can only get in Oz!

Anyway, better go get some stuff done - look for a job maybe...

Love to all, it was great to see you while I was home, and I promise I'll try and update this more regularly (but I make no promises about the content!). When I get back to Galway, I'll put some more photos up too smiley - smiley

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Back in Ireland

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