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Aran Islands

Post 1


Hi again world smiley - smiley Another short note!

I'm now living on the largest of the Aran Islands, Inishmore, off the west coast near Galway. I'm changing beds and doing some cleaning for 2 hours per day to pay for my bed in a hostel, and also got a bar job at the local hotel. All is well - life in between work consists of lying around reading and observing the harbour, learning to play hurling (a bizarre Irish game seen only in Ireland and on Guinness ads) on the beach when the tide is out, drinking beer, getting sunburnt and going to pubs to listen to traditional music and drink more beer smiley - winkeye

Right now, those distractions are calling (and the only internet access is on my boss's laptop in his room, and he wants to go to the pub, so I'd better move!

Love to all smiley - smiley

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Aran Islands

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