This is the Message Centre for aging jb

hi there another aged one

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

im 62, not a big age, but enough
ive been on h2g2 for nearly 7 years, ive done a few guides, nothing special, some entries on thepost. and when ww2 as on, i got a war one edited, ive only one h2g2 edited guide.on the building in my town of bradford.
but ive done over 50% of everything, without a pc, i only have my trusty cable box link, allows the bbc and h2g2. no main internet. 7 years about to hit end of the month.
but as long as i can get to the h2g2, here from home, or a cybershop, when i can, or the local library, i,l be around till i cant see or use a k/board.
never give up, look for another option, find a subject you like and know about, or can research and try a edited guide, can be a long prosses, from weeks to month to get it acsespted.
when im stuck in, or nothing to do,being semi-disabled, and prone to hayfever, i lurk the h2g2 smiley - rofl
smiley - dragon jim

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