This is the Message Centre for dreamcatcher


Post 1


Hi DC,

It's been a while since we "spoke".

I wondered if you'd done any more work on Catman. I enjoyed what I read a few weeks ago.

You seem to have been rather quiet the last couple of weeks?



Post 2


Heloo Loudangelica,
It's nice to hear from you !
I feel as if I have been so busy to home and work ....and then went on holiday to Tenerrife. IT was wonderful but I came back to lots of work at work and trying to get into the swing of it all!
I am definitely going to do another chapter and was planning to look at it over the next few weeks.
You have surprised me by coming back to me about this....(Thankyou for nudging me)
I have also been thinking whether I have been chatting too much and actually need to get alot more serious about reviewing and writing. Balance has been difficult.
I guess its that thing time......
I want to finish something I started for this months Kent competition.
My kids are at home and our routine is a bit topsy-turvey at the moment. No peace for mum till late during the holidays. Soon back at school....relief!smiley - smiley

Hopefully I will be able to devote more time soon!
Hope life is treating you well - and I will check out your stuff asap...smiley - smiley

smiley - hugsmiley - cheerupsmiley - bubbly


Post 3


Let me know when you add any more to it. I'd be happy to have a read if you want me to.

I know what you mean about chatting. Sometimes it feels like one minute there's no-one to talk to and then there's loads.

Sounds hectic with you. No kids here but plenty of animals who unfortunately don't have term time and demand constant attention. Especially the african grey parrot who never shuts upsmiley - erm

Good writing
smiley - biggrin

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