This is the Message Centre for dreamcatcher


Post 1


Hi, Dreamcatcher!

You sound so enthusiastic on the hymn thread that I thought I'd write to you direct. Are you enjoying the lyric-writing as much as it sounds as if you are?

A good way in is to get a song-book or hymn-book, so you've got all the words set out on paper. It doesn't matter if you know the tune or not. Read a verse several times over, and you'll get a feel of what the strong stresses in each line are - how many, and where they come. You'll also see which lines rhyme with which other ones: there are lots of different possible patterns.

Then try writing a verse of your own words to the same pattern of rhythm and rhyme. It doesn't matter if you're adding one on the same subject, or working on a totally different one. You're just seeing if you can do it (and of course you can). When you've finished, if you know the tune, try singing your words to it.

Hope you enjoy yourself!


Post 2


Thankyou for your encouraging message Nicky!smiley - cheerup
I am enjoying this website and hope to learn alot. It would be nice to be able to write a hymn and sing it!smiley - smiley
I value your tips and hope to use them soon!smiley - biggrin
Watch this space!

smiley - cheerupsmiley - hugsmiley - ok


Post 3


Hmmm- First attempt EVER!
smiley - smileysmiley - smiley
See F1599376 (I believe)
smiley - cheerupsmiley - tea


Post 4


Oh - I can't find a hymn book at the moment - but promise to take your advice to action once I find it.smiley - biggrin

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