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Long time no hear

Post 1


Hello Em smiley - hug

Sorry not been in touch for a bit but been a bit busy with work and stuff.

My Internet is playing up a bit at the moment otherwise I would have emailed you. Saw your messages on Food MB and thought that I'd send you a quick message.

Sorry about you and Rob, I went through the same in January after just over 3 years (but with me doing the dumping as I'd had enough). If you want someone to talk to you know where I am! smiley - chocsmiley - teasmiley - wahI would leave you my mobile number to get in touch whenever you want but forgot to pick the damn thing up this morning as I dashed out of the house (having one of those days today!).

Things will be easier given time, I should think going back to Cheltenham (?) will help as Leicester will have loads of memories at the moment for you.

To cheer you up a bit as I know what a performer you are. My neice, Keira, is putting her first little end of term ballet show in a couple of weeks for my Sister and Mum. I'm making do with the demonstrations when I see her at weekends!

Keep your chin up hunny, and get in touch.

Tracey x

Long time no hear

Post 2


Sorry sorry sorry!!!!

I've been hiding out recently because I wasn't really in the mood to talk to people.

I'm currently back in our flat. Things got a bit complicated last night. Robb discovered some VERY rude and compromising messages from another ex on my phone and stormed out the flat. When he came back, I explained why they were there....then we went to bed and *ahem* did stuff.

He did tell me beforehand he still felt the same but I think he could just be being a man and not admitting how he feels.

Anyway, I'm not getting my hopes up but obviously I still care about him.........we're still close and will always be friends. I guess only time will tell if we can work things out and get back together.

One of the major issues is that he doesnt want to move to Cheltenham. Regardless what happens, I'm moving and starting my course. I've found somewhere else to live so god only knows whats going to happen between us.

It's all so confusing. I feel like he DOES want me but he's insisting he doesn't! I've been talking to his aunty a lot and she's convinced we will get back together but I just need to let him figure that out on his own.

I'm tryin to do that and give him some space. But it is really difficult. As you can imagine, my head's a bit of a mess right now.

I had two weeks away from him and found myself somewhere new to live, met some guys and thought I was ok and gettin on with things. I even started saying I thought we were better off apart. Turns out I wasn't as sorted as I thought. As soon as I came back and saw him I realised I do still want him and I think we do have something special and I want to work on that and gets things back to how they used to be.

I even love being back in the flat! Despite everything it feels like home and I don't want to leave, even though it is quite painful because of all the memories, I just want to stay here.

Anyway, I'm not too great at checkin my bbc thing these days but my private email is [email protected] and my no 07917866212 if you wanted to get in touch.

Great news about your niece!!! I used to love watching all the littlies at ballet when I used to go!

Emily xx

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