This is the Message Centre for bootiful_heffalump


Post 1

Splodge and Guiness the cats' mummy

hope you get out of pre mod soon smiley - cake< bubbly>


Post 2


Aw thankyou!!!
Me too. Apparently Wilco is checking it out but we won't know anything until Monday. I think I may have been naughty without realising it! Oops!

Ah well, fingers crossed!!!

Emily xx


Post 3


Afternoon Heffalump,

Are you out of premod yet? Do we have a reasonable answer to the riddle of why you were put in the naughty corner in the first place.

Hope you had a good weekend and speak to you tomorrow, am of work and only on the internet to register ready to go phone for the free credit

Fingers and toes crossed,



Post 4


Nope Fiona, no answers as of yet.

I had a lovely weekend- check out "my perfect day" on the MBs!! I've come away from it all feeling reallt chilled and ready to crack on wiht my dissertation!

Hope you ok???

Emily xx


Post 5

Splodge and Guiness the cats' mummy

you will have to fight for your right to post Gald you had a good weekend


Post 6


Yes indeed!!!!!

Goodness me, that could be another campaign song!!!

Another few days of this and we could release an album to raise funds! smiley - winkeye

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