This is the Message Centre for Andmymare


Post 1


been a while...

Don't know if you're interested, or if you are a Londoner, but I am giving a reading in covent garden on monday. All the 'classics' will be there: Conversation with a Dromedary, Retreat, Second Burn, Dream, Christ Church Meadows etc. Thought you might be interested, even if just to know that the poems haven't just been gathering dust since I removed them from the site. I gave my first reading last week, shook like a leaf, but got a fair reception. Maybe you're around. smiley - cheers


Post 2


AAARRRRGGG. I Would be there if I Could be there but I Can't since I live in the U.S. God, what I wouldn't give to hear Dromeday. Oh I am so enthusiastic for you that you are reading live!!! Shakin like a leaf, I can imagine! O but the more you do it the better you'll be. I am SO glad the poems are living.
Well, thank you for thinkin of me, you know I admire your work. Drat and double drat.
Andmystompingmaresmiley - cheers


Post 3


Howdy Mare!
Slightly more relaxed today...gave the reading last night, and did of the poems from memory, even half of Dromeday. It's a fantastic venue - ground floor cafe and basement reading room with a tiny stage and a microphone, and the place was packed with very attentive people. The whole evening was worth it just for the moment when another of the poets approached me at the end and wanted to talk about Dromedary. So, a big smile on my face today. Wish you could have been there for a smiley - ale or two, but I'll certainly keep you updated with how things progress.
Meanwhile, I'm enjoying working through the poems on this site. I'll be back with comments shortly, and might even get some new stuff up on the site. smiley - biggrin


Post 4


Oh Hurrah!
Damn and double damn. I mean about missing it. Oh that is really exciting to hear, and I hope you go on with readings; a whole different scene than just print.
I've ah well, for the most part bailed from here; have landed at Writer's Dock; there's many people from here you'll know, and new faces/minds as well.
thank you for letting me know how it's gone for you; and please show up over at WritersDock if you've a mind to. I'd certainly love to read more.

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