This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

We Need Your Voice...

Post 1


... and beauty, as it is so vast with volume and pure spirit, so was wondering would you be willing to add some of your unique pieces to a proposed idea of collected work that concerns feelings on this place for inclusion on the iCan thread? The plea is suggested here: If you have not visited the iCan 'Save the Get Writing Community' Site the link is: The article will look something like this perhaps: There are so many, but some of my most personal favourite are: A Gemstone To Dissipate Nightmares A3359757 From Out The Silence A3376532 A Little More Dedication A3079758 While The Poets Sleep Revisited A3231947The Million Dollar Poet Reflects A3138257 Geez - Even any and all of these too! A pleasant walk A2996030 On Meeting A Poet A3171818 The Act of Reading A3170882 Your Words A3410759 Utilitarian Poetry A3431198 The Topology Of Your Smile A3435103 Just wanted to share this A3171313 Would You Meet Me? A3093446 The Etiquette of Reading Someone A2830853 AND you submitted your first piece on the 1st July!!! Gawd, Linda, I've spend nearly 2 hours shuffling through your stuff - hope you didn't mind! I had a few poems especially in mind, (they are the top five), but got carried away with so many more gems. I've also noticed how far you've come in your skill, craft and voice and that I love so much of your work and really in awe. I know you don't like praise, well - feck it girl - you're getting it! You have got to get published so that I can keep reading you well into the future. I want all this work in one little book for me to pour over and dip into. There. I've said it and wanted to for a long time. Take that, Missus! So, you choose at least three and we will insert them into the iCan document. Enjoy this wee stroll back with your musings or maybe write a fresh piece - It's up to you! Inspired, Jen x PS: My last note to you, (as you may know), was a little you know; well things have changed since. Will tell all later this night. All good.

We Need Your Voice...

Post 2


Jen. Oh Oh OH. Two hours. Gives me the shivers just thinking of it. Jaysus. Oh I'll do anything you want, you know more where energy should go than I do....Oh for you to collect all those A numbers.
I may just go out and get me a bottle of Jameson's tonight and have myself a little coming out party. I think this is where I should say Cor. And yer right I don't like praise feels like someone brushing my hair the wrong way.
Oh I'll take care of this today.
Bless you for your enthusiasm and care. Speak later
P.S. glad about the last.smiley - hug

We Need Your Voice...

Post 3


Ah, I think that is Topology of Your Smile, The Act of Reading, and On Meeting A Poet. (How quaint! Lol)
but looking these over, my overwhelming reaction was, “Damn, I was having a good time!)
I hope these suit.
Thank you Jen,
Lyndasmiley - wahsmiley - ermsmiley - winkeyesmiley - cheerssmiley - run

We Need Your Voice...

Post 4


Oh, I'm so gla you too enjoye the little trip light fantasico through your earlier musings!

I've placed the three above, PLUS A Gemstone To Dissipate Nightmares A3359757 into the appropriate thread, so hopefully later in the week they will all be integrated into the iCan Article. Will let you know when!

I like your hair today - is that a new shade, I wonder? smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

As to the other thing - your are an absolute dote and I WILL be sending you a wee 'e' later with all the loveliness and cheer!

Go raibh maith agat (thanks in Irish) smiley - goodluck

Jen smiley - kisssmiley - rose

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