This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

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Post 1


Good stuff of late my dear. You're putting out quite a bit of quality. Also seem to be on a musical bent, your pieces have been veritably ringing with the ghosted presence of a tune, somewhere in the background.
What's up then?

Johnny G. smiley - bubbly

Thrashing about

Post 2


Just trying to find my sea legs Johnny. I wrote something a while ago sprinkled with asterisks; I quoted lines freely from songs and didn't want someone whacking me off about plagiarizing.
Just trying to get "tuned"; what I call when everything's just right: I have a bit of time, noone's talkin to me, phone doesn't ring, I'm sipping a merlot, not drinking out the bottle, a bit of hootch in me pipe, but not pie-eyed; inspired, and not feeling guilty. Well, one time in four I may have all the fine elements to let me free; the other time comes out the dross you see. Plus sometimes I hit off other poets; meaning reading them just sets me on fire. I do a fair amount of whining on this site and those are sorry poems. Yeah, music.
Thanks for asking, you are so mercurial.

Thrashing about

Post 3


I do have a tendency to be all over the place at times. Have you recieved an invite for the WRITERS DOCK yet?
Went and checked the site out, it's not pretty, but it will certainly suit our purposes for the time being. Glad to see someone took the initiative, it's getting down to the wire on GW.

Any port

Post 4


Yes I have. I'll go anywhere there's beer and a pencil stub. Oh, and the finest linen writing paper. O and good smokes. O and decently dressed barmaids. O and people older than me.
I certainly hope/expect to see you in the next (writing) world. smiley - run

Any port

Post 5


I'm there and waiting...
though between you and me, the barmaids don't look good until you've got a couple pints down ye. smiley - cheers

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