This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

emails for ....

Post 1


I sent you an email on the subject of our ongoing debate, just wanted to let you know incase you had not yet gotten it.


emails for ....

Post 2


thank you Voon

emails for ....

Post 3


So I’m a little concerned by your impending silence. Any thoughts on the email, hope nothing in it upset you or put you off. That was not my intention, so if it has upset you in some way I am vary sorry. I was enjoying our little chat. I’ve moved over to the writers dock and found some vary lovely people there, you should check it out if you haven’t already. Well I don’t have time to go into one of my trademarked extende ramblings but I hope to hear from you soon.

smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin


Post 4


Absolutely no offense taken, this is just my stuff!

Listen so what you are advocating, or searching for, is to be a person who is able to perceive others as they "actually are", clear of your own motives, emotions, and predispositions.

Ah, shoot, I gotta get off the computer.
Voon we'll speak soon eh?


Post 5


I look foreword to it. By the way, I’m using the name “Safirepassafist” on the writers dock so if you want to find me there that’s where I’ll be. I just felt I should ditch Voon as it is a D.N.A. reference and I used it first as a name for H2G2.

smiley - smiley

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