This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

Across the Christmas Pond...

Post 1


smiley - star Dear, dear Lynda,

Was hoping to drop you a note by 'e' but thing has gone on temporary blink, so just in case I've printed in here and as 'tis Christmas Eve, Babe...' (Shane honey?!), wanted to wish you and yours a wonderfully wicked and peaceful Christmas and the very best of everything in 2005!
Thanks for reading and always being there. You make this place a special haven and sparkle and inspire beyond your knowledge. You're the soul sista with all to give. Gracias, hon.

So do take care and Nollaig shona dhuit, a chara! smiley - goodluck

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - kisssmiley - crackersmiley - hugsmiley - bubbly

Across the Christmas Pond...

Post 2


I know how I can split yer sides at any moment; let you hear me tryin it phoneticize my way trough yer Irish greetings.
smiley - rofl

ah we're not half begun yet girl, writing or loving or learning or none of it.
I'll expect you when I see you Jen,
smiley - cuddle

Across the Christmas Pond...

Post 3


That ye will my dear! 'Tis a New Year dawning with song and dance and words. Would love to hear you holler a brogue although I speak as if I'm the bassline of a wonky guitar.

Catch ye soon in this mad horizon,

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheerssmiley - kiss

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