This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

Hello sweet mare...

Post 1


I think of you mind as a kaleidoscope of thoughs and words that tumble easily out and yet land as an architects dream. How do you do that? Do you know where it comes from or does it surprise you as much as the reader?
Your work is so original and unique.
I have read your 3 poems on 'A numbers' and will endeavour to comment tomorrow. You can rest assured I found them fascinating - as ever.
BTW - thank you for reading and review my work. I really appreciate it. Time is our most valuable gift. I think of it as a privilege when someone spends a little on me. I hope you are well and that you will still find a bit of time to share yourself with us even when those 'relatives' land.

See you soon la mare

loobysmiley - biggrin

Hello sweet mare...

Post 2


I have no idea what I'm doing. I"m not sacred enough to get sacred messages. My poems are like notes over a prison wall, mate. I read them in the morning to see if they make sense; if they don't I yank them off. It's not that I'm in a trance just, taking dictation. Not meaning to sound mystic; it's just different from my usual thinking. It's all there in the unmanifest. Pisses me off when I can't write. I become unreasonable and feisty. Yes time is our most valuable gift; thank you for looking in, as otherwise I would be confined .

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