This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

You called, me dear?

Post 1


What's up, honey? smiley - erm

You called, me dear?

Post 2


Oh PenJen, if I leave my e-mail address, erm, as a work in novels or summat, for two minutes, would you mind pickin it up? And then I can delete ?

You called, me dear?

Post 3


Righteo. I'm with you.

You called, me dear?

Post 4


Got it. With you in a mo...

You called, me dear?

Post 5


You were right, that's one!
Will chat later... gotta go to work. smiley - winkeyesmiley - run

You called, me dear?

Post 6


One? I am so good I scare myself. smiley - cool

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