This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

Hey Humpty

Post 1


'Lithe' and 'Slithy'

The portmanteau penny finally drops.

Only took me three months to solve that conundrum. I'm getting bear with me smiley - hug

Kieran smiley - cheerup

Hey Humpty

Post 2


Erm, Kieran child, are you sure you posted this in the right palace?

Hey Humpty

Post 3

logicus tracticus philosophicus

yup definatly in the right palace ,definite definate ,complicate diarate dictate, he no knew portmanteau askew ,till penny rolled down the spiral , nebluler .

kieran where you in the bath when the penny dropped, only asked coz there or in bed is where it normaly drops for me.

awfull when it drops in public specialy when you seem to start blushing , due to some particuler penelope's
smiley - run

Hey Humpty

Post 4


Lynda, I thought you might be a character out of 'through the looking glass'. Perhaps I am barking up the wrong palace. Another misturn in the purdow. You crack me up egg shell woman.

Logicus, the penny often plops when I'm sat on the toilet. That's where most of my s**t ideas come from smiley - 2cents

Hey Humpty

Post 5


I don't like it when you play this way. I'm outta here.

Hey Humpty

Post 6


I don't understand what I've done wrong smiley - erm
I was only referring to the portmanteu scene from through the looking glass, you know, the one with humpty dumpty. It made me think of your pf intro.
I won't play like this again smiley - sadface

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