This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

good readin' tonight

Post 1


Hey Linda, just got back and in a firin' mood. Ray and I did six live shows at the Rhayader Arms (the only spot that would take us )- Fri,Sat, and tonight. in fine form we were. Overwhelmed when over really well, as did The Night Train. that was only the second time we'd done them. So there you have it, me head's poundin' smiley - erm and I've got a print-out of the stuff you wrote this week. Talk to you soon.

'ows your weekend?


never mind the printout

Post 2


you sound so enlivened, why you can't give ME a printout of what you read?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, house,
I actually just wrote a scruffy ballad and it were inspired by you but not because yo're scruffy. Oh just go read it and explain it to me, eh?
Welcome back happy you're chuffed
Lyndasmiley - cake

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