This is the Message Centre for Andmymare


Post 1


Hi Lynda

this is another Lynda, just to add to all the ensuing confusion.

I'm also another mad wee Irish person who enjoys a smiley - bubbly and the craic.

Just popped by to say hello, will take a look at your PF, hope you'll take a peek at mine

Cheers L


Post 2


Oh thanks alot now you've fueled my Irish envy! I'm a quarter Irish if you measure it by the teaspoon; but I have red hair, freckles and enough ire in this lifetime to make up for the next and the one previous. Remind me what craic means again? (See?) and of course I'll look at yer stuff.
smiley - tea


Post 3


craic, it means having good fun, banter,converstions with friends,

i,e, 'we had the best 'o' craic last night'.

Alternately it is the place where all the fun is

i,e. 'where's the craic'

if you use that outside of Ireland you can get yourself into all sorts of bother smiley - biggrin


Post 4


If you're up, and glass in hand, would you come over to my place and have a look at Aug kent story


pleeeesesmiley - biggrin

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