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Post 1


Go read Desmond Swords' "Daylong Daydream". I'm I'm done. Loving someone's mind is worthless to them but it means a great deal to me.

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Post 2


Ah ha!

I see you've started talking to yourself. Or is that the voices in your head recommending a good read to you. Strange but beautiful.

I love your mind even though you're really just a character on my PC screen. Well... it beats watching soaps and stuffing my face with whoppers. At least you don't damage my health.

I'm thinking of buying a sword. I nore that one can acquire green destiny replicas at the bull ring in Birmingham these days. If only I had 240 english pounds to throw away on weapons.

Ay up.

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Post 3


you made me laugh out loud. You are the quintessential Goldmund the gold-mouth who can talk birds out of the trees. I noticed you commenting once that "that sort of thing" meaning romantic poetry seemed to get the most of reaction of your writings. Well I'm here to tell you lad, there's a reason for that.
What do you think the Dalai Llama is saying to himself while you're asleep? "Oooo baby I love your way. I wanna be with you night and day...."
I'm teasing you because you, ah, erm, you already have all the beautiful weapons you need. Gad, I need some air
smiley - cool

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Post 4


I said saying to himself. What a git. He isn't supposed to be talking to himself.
Nackered Lyndasmiley - cheerup

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Post 5

logicus tracticus philosophicus

thought you may both like this found in my travels
One fine day mister rabbit goes running around the forest. He sees a gorilla rolling a joint.
"gorilla, gorilla! why do you do drugs? come run with me instead"
So the gorilla stops rolling his joint and runs with the rabbit.
Then they come across an elephant doing lines. Says the rabbit:
"Elephant elephant. why do you do drugs? Come run with us instead."
So the elephant stops and goes running with the two.
Then they come across the a lion preparing a syringe.
"Lion, lion!" cries the rabbit, "why do you do drugs? Come run with us instead."
The lion with a mighty roar bashes the rabbit to smithereens.
"No!" the gorilla and the elephant cry "why did you do that? All he was trying to do was to help you out!"
"Damn rabbit always makes me run around the f*****g forest when he's on speed!" the lion replies.smiley - laughsmiley - runsmiley - run

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Post 6

logicus tracticus philosophicus

keiranjay if your still thinking bout getting a sword stick battle orders in your search bar,
company in battle (sussex) uk , they make
commision , spent a little while lookng at there stock while homeing two ferral cats there five or so years ago, some of the samaeri stuff

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