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British Jee-zoose

Post 1


Well, I've never been so insulted in all my life...

Captain Gerald Montegue
totally disgusted of Henley on Arden

PS I shall write to the Daily Wail.

lol! Yup, s'funny, Your style is sublime, the language flows and the speech is pretty good... but I think it needs a driving joke other than the subject... the other comments (life of Brian etc.) were gonna come because of the fact the joke is the British Jesus... which is a shame cos it's good.

I couldn't wait untill I was back from holiday to read it, but if you're up for it, I'm up for trying to look for a joke to hang it on when I get back...

take it eeeeeasy
smiley - winkeye

British Jee-zoose

Post 2


Okay it can wait, cos otherwise it's headed for a crate.
You have a good vacation, and give me your advice when you get back. Unless of course, "Jesus" get's
you know,
sh*t can*ne*. smiley - winkeye

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