This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

Horsin' Around or Pony Trek?!

Post 1


Hey Lynda,

Glad to see you're back in the saddle again, been a long ride without you here!
I was hoping to catch up with reading all your wonderful stuff while you were away but the fecking PC blew up and I was off the road for a few days. Am now back on track and wil be galloping through all your new mused delights in the next few days. Just wanted to drop by and let you know I haven't forgotten you and do hope you had a lovely break away!
Speak again soon, Oh mistress of mystic thou marvellous mare!

Take care & reap that golden glow & Jazz-razz-ma-tazz!

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye

Horsin' Around or Pony Trek?!

Post 2


I should have a good day of reading at work today....You'll have to tell me bout the get-together with the 60 Irish too....or, will you write about it......I went to bed last night without my writing time, like a naughty child!!!smiley - wahsmiley - wah
Speak soon. Glad yer PC's up and taking solids.

Horsin' Around or Pony Trek?!

Post 3


And I will TELL you all about it soon! Just swamped with work at mo. Here for a tiny sec. And STOP writing so much!!! You make the rest of us seem so lazy! Ha! Will be dining from your creations over the w'end. Glad to see your muse is tickled and laughing out works! Will catch you later, doll! Naughty is OK, it's just the guilt after that sucks!

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - magic.................smiley - run

Horsin' Around or Pony Trek?!

Post 4


Hey songtress,

Sorry I ain't been catching your wonderful tunes of late, but I will be catching that musical muse of yours after the w'end. I'm away for a little light entertainment and all that Jazz to the birth place by the sea. Will let the seagulls sing instead! Catch you later, Gee-tar swirly girl! Summer in Siam.... if only! The Whole of the Moon, yes!

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

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