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Back from the pub.

Post 1

Beans On Toast

As promised, I have been reading, and it came as something of a shock. Not what I expected at all.
I enjoyed reading pieces that are as far away from my world as you can get. I admired your ability to use imagery to convey emotions. This is something I can’t do. Perhaps my emotional responses were trodden into the ground a long time ago.
Keep it up, indulge us all.

Beans.smiley - winkeye

Back from the pub.

Post 2


Beans, what in the world are you talking about mate. I admire your ability to describe reality so you bring me to the world! so I've got straight hair and you've got curley; we always want what we haven't got. I'll keep on if you do.
Mystified Mare
smiley - cheers

Way Back from the pub.

Post 3


P.S. I doubt very much your emotions are out of your reach....trodden maybe, but like the humble grasses they do have a way of popping up.smiley - run

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