This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

Run away mine train

Post 1



We've sort of met before 'coming on too strong'. I just thought I'd drop by to look at some of your work again but..... problems..... you're too God-damn productive and I can't keep track of minx you

Please slow down or you'll make the rest of us would be writers look lazy.

If you balance on the biggest wave you race towards an early grave.

Or...maybe there's something I don't know:

Are you several people?
Do you take speed?
Do you have superhuman powers?
Are you living?
What colour is your hair?



smiley - erm

Run away

Post 2


You make me laugh. I am getting embarrassed about posting so much. This is a dam breaking, that's all. I am not now, nor have I ever been several people. However, I only mean that in the most clinical, dry sense. I definitely write for several parts of my personality who are presently having a bit of a go inside my head/heart/pocketbook/marriage/keyboard. not in that order
I don't take speed, but I do drink coffee and smoke cigarettes, or drink beer and smoke cigarettes, or eat cigarettes and smoke p*t. It is exactly like stoking a big dangerous clumsy coal fire on an old train.
I have subhuman powers over which I occasionally rise.
I am living the best I've ever been living, and it's still a grand mess.
My hair is meticulously dyed grey at the roots, (until tonight, heh heh he)and I looked like a 48 year old version of the Little Prince. Well, I flatter myself on that one.
As regards the biggest wave and it's ultimate destination; Yes but what a way to go.
I need to get out the old spackle knife and a wench (wrench! wrench!)and really get to work making myself understood. Ah, fer my own benefit.
You are kind and I will read yer stuff. Thank you for looking in.smiley - coolsmiley - erm


Post 3


This post has been removed.

Run away

Post 4

logicus tracticus philosophicus

I To blew out the candle ,before i was befuddled in puddles of paddi feildds paddying parryin perry in side a bubbleling, little prince's of darkness what a larficuss dicussacus diplophidus dishosphoreous, prosperous ,precipisese,curse that is than the curse of the empty purse A3171269 locked in the basque plugging the cask of Amontadillado? (or summat like that!)

Run away

Post 5


what in the world wre you doing back in July?

Run away

Post 6

logicus tracticus philosophicus hazy lazy double phasey, journey earny nighty night

Run away

Post 7


are you gone then to work? feck

Run away

Post 8

logicus tracticus philosophicus

nope not yet my peta petal heavy metel still not settled smiley - okfire away say nice piece neice
nice ice slice ,poetry in slow motion ocean potion.

Run away

Post 9


My worried, never mind
here is a poem for you

You are a taste of maple leaf miles away
dusky kirk of water works, salt and simile
flask of dark craic
dimmed headache
cloth to my brow

a cigarette shared in the extremity of battle's encumbering nearness,
some faltering thing, wordless, an old bible front of your heart to stop the bullet

felt like a brother to me
(line stolen from the JayHawks, all rights and glories accrueing thereon)
you've tempered doubt with boldness, flown out of syntax, which freedom I love for itself!

Your faith is so strong but, and I mean, built on some strong hurts, and friend of mine,
spurts against heaven.

or with heaven maybe, fondness overflowing
in fountain pen calligraphy,
half unrecognizable will we read it the next day
riding through a street lighted with sound bearings, little tinkling lights

away today ok

Post 10

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Leave this here to remind me , Roy ,toys with words nice at times Needns reply Unlike your two bits (i) understand A3180124 or A3180377 both Perfection, ,two links to think on , just leave this hear and try and find Halloween bit s put together, do some thing round town When in the midst the throngs worlds turning serious free From the insurgency�s emergency, the song of the sonorous ,around you, you Are one with the self still, yet ever alert to the changes rearranging , inadeing When first you wake from the deserted hot sand in your hand your ,thirsty upwards we drift, adjusting the pitch , of the candle we carefully handle To hot being burnt at both ends ,the tallow my fellow ,the wick in the ghee-low The yellow light that turns blue, as bends at the end ,un like that slow burning fuse Rarely gets used yet clearly seen as a flash, a mad frantic dash to be clear ,from the pire Fire hire higher reach for the sky sudden explosion , fuelled from Historic erosion ,composing ,decomposing ,recomposing recompenses no de-compos mentis from mead fermatentous firman Firman at the end of all time

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