This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

Testosterone Antidote

Post 1


What the hell do I say to that? Getting some? I'm like, wow! I reckon your one woman show's gonna raise a few eyebrows if this is a sample.

If I was a woman, you'd be my hero.

Testosterone Antidote

Post 2


You know, I think you wouldn't let any of your characters go
with what you just said. I'm being deeply hyper sarcastic, because I'm dying to know who I'd be if you were a man. Sorry. Cheap shot. Ole!smiley - cheerssmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - bubblysmiley - magicsmiley - run

Testosterone Antidote

Post 3


But my characters aren't me, are they?

Anyway, take all the cheap shots you like, so long as you write like that.
I don't have to like what's said to like a) the way it's said, or b) the basic truth behind it.

Testosterone Antidote

Post 4


No you're absolutely right. I was just pissed. The American pissed, not he U.K.

Testosterone Antidote

Post 5


What I thought. So what did jerk yer chain, anyhow?

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