This is the Message Centre for guide_hacker

Who Are You

Post 1


Who are you? You are a stalker, you stalker! That's cool. smiley - cool

Who Are You

Post 2


We will figure out who you are, and it won't be the last thing i ever do either!!!!!

Who Are You

Post 3

Omega 3 - The Mixing Dude

I have a couple questions for you, if I may, to find out ifyou really do know all about us.

1. Who is the Band Director at LJH?

2. Who did I have for Science and What Period?

3. Who did I have for history?

4. Which battle (Of the Civil war) was Grant Ambushed, but still undefeated?

Omega 3

Who Are You

Post 4

Omega 3 - The Mixing Dude

Also for #4, Ulysses S Grant was relieved of command afterward

Who Are You

Post 5


Answer the questions guide_hacker! Unles you can't!

Who Are You

Post 6


....................................................?smiley - erm

Who Are You

Post 7


well I'm sure Taylor has told John who am. Chris you already know who I am. You know from a long time ago think Utah! I don't know what LJH is but I can ask Taylor, Taylor sent me that E-mail you sent him. And I don't know if you know but I take that as an insult that you think I was Taylor! I mean no offense Taylor. By the way Taylor wanted me to tell you he'll be back in th guide soon, he did forget his password.

Who Are You

Post 8


About the questions the answer to number 4 is Shilo and I think some where about 13,000 union soldiers died and 10,000 Confederate I'm not sure on the numbers I mean school is out I don't like thinking over the summer.

Who Are You

Post 9


your turn you smart ass you think you are so good at U.S. History hows this for a question?

: What happened on D-day at Normandy? Who was president? what was the effect on Germany?

Who Are You

Post 10


Well i thought it was Taylor because you know, he hates me for some reason i don't know of. I haven't done anything to him, and because you hated me too i thought well not a lot of people i know use h2g2 so i thought it was him. I am sorry if i offended you or taylor, but i don't want to get on the bad side of someone, so why can't we put the past behind us and if you could tell me, why you hate me so much.

Sorry in advance if i did anything wrong to you in the past. smiley - sadface

Who Are You

Post 11


And it is great that Taylor is getting back on h2g2, he hasn't added anything since July 29, 2003!!!! That is like almost a year! And i hope he isn't always going to be mad at me... Same with you.

Who Are You

Post 12


D-Day happened on June 6, 1944. The president of the time was roosevelt, and the effect it had on the Germans was devistating. They lost thousands of men, and hitler thought that the main attack was going to be somewhere else, because the US made it look like it was going to be somewhere else when it wasn't. Then a year later hitler killed himself and the US won, and it stopped the germans and their plans of taking over the human world.

----Okay, then answer this about d-day! Who was the cammander of the whole operation?

Who Are You

Post 13

Omega 3 - The Mixing Dude

All right, I guess I can tell when I'm beaten. Anyway, I'l answer your question, which is:

A) Hitler Killed Himself

B) Rosevelt

C) Germany lost hope of winning the war

I, like Chris, would like to put the past behind me, and become your friend. If you like half the things Taylor likes, I know we'll get along.

Omega 3

Oh, and MACs are not Stupid. If you must know my true feelings, you should read some of my upcoming guide entries.

Are you hungry for some Snake, Eater? (If youve heard of it, you'll know what it means...)

Who Are You

Post 14


Well John muh boy, your finaly looking the right way, I must admit macs have there uses but it is nothing like a pc. oh and Chris think Gilbert.

Who Are You

Post 15


Yes macs do have there uses and so does windows, but i prefer macs, but that is my opinion. We all have one. So lets not talk about macs and pc's anymore. I still don't know who you are, and sorry, but i don't remember someone by the last name of gilbert going to my school that Taylor and I went too....

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