This is the Message Centre for karpol


Post 1


I do hope you find your mobile, it would drive me crazy. I hate losing anything. So annoying!smiley - wah


Post 2


Thank u so much. Left a message on the CB.
But where is the d*** thing
I live in a flat, cat & loads of books & i know it's here!

However although I'm old I'm also anal retentive & I write evreything down so I havn't lost any numbers

So Im looking on the bright side. When my new phone is charged up AND my old phone turns up; I will be the proud owner of 2 mobile phones!

karpol (Karen)


Post 3


So, have you found it yet?

I would be sooo confused with 2 mobiles, just an extra one to lose IMO smiley - laugh


Post 4


I'm waiting for the battery to run out and then track it down.
The new phone is even smaller and has loads of functions on it...........

disaster looms.



Post 5


Do you remember those key things that you whistled at and it would tell you where your keys are? Perhaps one for your new mobile would be good?! smiley - laugh


Post 6


seen yr mgs on CB about about BB. My child (now 22yrs) had a snotty nose relentlass for 4yrs! No change that to five yrs. very pleasant taking her out!
However never had a physical problem since.

But just u wait until she is 13! smiley - biggrin
[email protected]

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