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Poser Poet
tanzen Started conversation Jul 27, 2004
I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for saying nice things about my silly girly poem
Poser Poet
greytfl3iii Posted Jul 27, 2004
The poetry was very well written (though i am not one to ask about writing), and seemed quite sincere. I know how hard it is to express feelings like that. It is an honor to be allowed to share something so personal. Thanks.
Poser Poet
tanzen Posted Jul 27, 2004
Thanks again
Always wanted to be a writer...but whenever I went to write something it always turned out smooshy and girly
Oh well, I suppose it's the nature of the beast right ??
Poser Poet
greytfl3iii Posted Jul 27, 2004
In a way it is. Don't put down girlieness just for it's sensitive side however. I have met some girls, nay many women who could do some serious damage if the need arose.
I have also met men, and really we probably all have a softness somewhere. Many keep it hidden very well, others bear it proudly.
All people are torn apart by emotion sometimes, but we must be able to put ourselves back together and still care about something. If we don't have emotion we lack humanity.
Poser Poet
tanzen Posted Jul 27, 2004
I know what you mean, and I accept a degree of girliness...but I guess it just suprises me more than anything...
I know a lot of girls tougher than me (well, maybe one or two ) and I know lots of boys who are "softer" than I suppose emotion and the like is something we all have to deal with
It doesn't mean I have to like it !
Anyway, let's change the subject ...what corner of the universe do you call home
My Love on Display
greytfl3iii Posted Jul 27, 2004
Sorry to be double posting but I'd like to ask about the person that you will always harbor ill will toward. If it is too personal then I won't bother you about it anymore.
You see, I have been in a similar position, or I should say i feel like the person you harbor this for with a woman I know (knew?). You remind me of her in many ways (which is a compliment I hope).
It was the usual Lover and Loved situation (I seem to be the lover most of the time). I don't think I ever harmed her, but yet she began to despise me for my adoration. I was there too much, and I tried too hard.
My flaw is not giving up. I am persistant to the point of obsession which I think frightened her, while all I wanted was to love and protect her. Eventually I was put into a category with someone who did try to hurt her. This really hurt me. It seems to me that her feelings won't change, but I can't forget her because of the good changes she made in my life.
This is my dilemma. She doesn't speak to me but i love what she has done for me. I want to love her and be her friend, but I want her to be free and happy. My life is good thanks to her yet I'm tortured by a dislike that I don't fully understand.
She once called me a Stalker, and maybe I am. But I am a *Good Stalker*, a protector. Maybe it's a gift, I can tell you with pride (and more than a little concern) that today I was riding through the woods and stopped near a bridge. There just off the trail was a small pack with a towel and some clothes pulled out of it. The bag was nice and of the type that would be used by a girl. Right away my mind went to a teenage girl that has been missing for about a week. She is presumed murdered! It may be a reach, but this could be connected. I reported it to the authorities and it's in their hands now. I don't know how to feel about this. It is frightning.
I really hope I'm not freaking you out. This is absolutly true (and no I had nothing to do with the disappearance) and I want to know that I did good.
I guess I am just standing up for that person you are holding ill for. If they are bad I take this back, but it hurts sometimes when you care for someone and they wish you ill.
I'm sorry again if this is too much, I just needed to get it out. I would just like some kind words. If you can't, please don't respond.
My Love on Display
tanzen Posted Jul 27, 2004
Oops, before I can get into this...which post are you refering to?
I only ask because, even though there is only one person I will all harbour ill will towards, I may have been referring to someone else at the time
My Love on Display
greytfl3iii Posted Jul 27, 2004
I have a little trailer that I live in. I am in California usually, but am on the eastside right now.
My Love on Display
tanzen Posted Jul 27, 2004
Ahh, a home on wheels..if I could drive I'd probably consider it
Well, assuming that it's the boy that I think it is, I think it's safe to say it's a bit of a different situation. I have in the past been involved with boys who felt more affection for me than I did for them...but I would never hold it against them...if anything it just made me feel worse to have to part ways with them.
No, this guy was a real piece of work. I have tried to come to terms with it, to try and forgive him...he was an alocoholic with a gambling problem (at 23! God, he was younger then than I am now!) and had what I suppose you could say was a "messy" family situation.
Without going into too much detail, he took advantage of a very dear and very drunk friend of mine, whom I had known since I was 5 years old. Which means that he not only messed me up, he permanently scarred this poor sweet girl (who was barely 18 at the time).
So that is why I cannot, no matter how hard I try, forgive him.
You don't sound like the type of person who would do something like that, so yeah, I'd say the situation is different.
Still, I can understand why you would be upset. I have friends who have been in similar situations. I wish I could help out, but it seems the best thing to do is to say your sorrys and goodbyes and hope for the best
My Love on Display
greytfl3iii Posted Jul 27, 2004
Yeah, I guess we said goodbye and I said sorry for the stupid things I do. At the same time it wasn't so clear cut as to where we stood when last we spoke. It has been a long while and she's never contacted me so I understand the situation, for the most part. She's more like a dream now, I can never forget her because of who I am. I just fear the day we meet again in case she goes off on me. Anyway i got some issues...
So tell me, what are you're interests, round here?
My Love on Display
tanzen Posted Jul 27, 2004
Yeah, there's something about relationships in general that's just tough to deal with...I mean, I'm lousy at talking (you probably wouldn't guess by the way I yammer on in here ) and will usually walk away from a fight if it's someone I care about.
Which means that for a good long time I let people push me around.
Whereas these days they're more likely to get a nasty letter
Well, as far as hootoo goes, this is pretty much a distraction while I'm supposed to be w**king...having said that today is my last day at w**k, and then I've got the rest of the week off ...
Did I answer any of your questions ? Sorry, the girl I work with just gave me
and now I'm a little
My Love on Display
GentletGarble Posted Jul 27, 2004
You *are* a writer. Don't let anyone tell you different.
WOW grey you gotta get over it!
(actually I know exactly how you feel)
My Love on Display
greytfl3iii Posted Jul 27, 2004
Yes, as far as if there was any question... well I do feel better having gotten some of that out.
I tend to ramble a bit.
I've got to work on sleeping for a while! Nice chatting with you.
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Poser Poet
- 1: tanzen (Jul 27, 2004)
- 2: greytfl3iii (Jul 27, 2004)
- 3: tanzen (Jul 27, 2004)
- 4: greytfl3iii (Jul 27, 2004)
- 5: tanzen (Jul 27, 2004)
- 6: greytfl3iii (Jul 27, 2004)
- 7: tanzen (Jul 27, 2004)
- 8: greytfl3iii (Jul 27, 2004)
- 9: greytfl3iii (Jul 27, 2004)
- 10: tanzen (Jul 27, 2004)
- 11: greytfl3iii (Jul 27, 2004)
- 12: tanzen (Jul 27, 2004)
- 13: GentletGarble (Jul 27, 2004)
- 14: tanzen (Jul 27, 2004)
- 15: greytfl3iii (Jul 27, 2004)
- 16: tanzen (Jul 27, 2004)
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