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Bring on the MUZIKA
Posted Mar 18, 2005
Some people are really cool and introduce to some great new music!!! REALLY WOHOOOOOOT AND THANKS no its so nice that someone seems to know almost exactly what kind of music i like and tells me
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Latest reply: Mar 18, 2005
Hmm, storm seems to calm down...
Posted Feb 28, 2005
but will there be an island of beauty, like the ones in the bounty commercials, for me there. To rest, to find something to settle, to for once have a quite live.
to life my live without pain-to be ,for once, loved by someone, to give that love in return-to hold people I care about close-to see my friends, and ones who where on some point in my life my friends, be happy
but hey, what am I talking about, tomorrow will be another bussy day, day full of emotions, full of pain, full of joy so why bother sleeping? Dreams are temporary, why flee into them, why type this rubbish?
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Latest reply: Feb 28, 2005
Things in my life
Posted Feb 28, 2005
Well.. Lot's of things have happend in the last two weeks, really I should update this log more often.
Tomorrow I have an appointment on school with the trustperson (or some other fancy English word) about some trouble I'm having with this guy of wich I though was a friend of mine...
But yet, my knowledge of people seems to dissapoint me again and again, because he said some things, well... That scared the shit out of me. And were some years ago the reason for therapy.. So I had a major blow in the face, trying to keep myself together.
After the trustyp appointment, I'm going to talk to this "friend" and see what he has to say on my acusations (again other fancy dancy english word)
Not least to say that I'm a little affraid of what he might do to me. Why you just can't erase persons from your life??
On the other hand, all this troubly trouble has an upside, for some reason I'm feeling better than I've ever have in my life..
Perhaps because I'm on this great point in my life. My therapy is ending and I have the feeling that things are so much better now. I'm feeling happy with myself for a chance.
And well, on the other hand of that is a downside, I did some stupid things in my own personal dark ages. Hurt some people. Said stupid things, feeling pain now. A need to do something, like apologize or something, but I'm affraid...
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Latest reply: Feb 28, 2005
Posted Feb 9, 2005
Well, had lot's of fun today...
First I discoverd that people cannot be trusted. Well most of them.. And that truth always comes above... (or something similar) Yeah, some friends are better to lose than to hold...
But really, loads of fun. People play a game wich I and a friend put together, a game about being hunt and hunting.... And everybody is really getting in to it
Played some games, card games, cafe international and killer bunnies (the last one is hilarious)
And finaly got home to wach a movie, so its very very late now and i need to go to bed. But don't wanna, so surfing the web to find silly stuff
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Latest reply: Feb 9, 2005
Posted Jan 7, 2005
Yess a terrible thing. Many people died. Many people who shoudnt have died. And now in a huge media hype lots and lots of money is collected. To help the people who survived. A truly great thing. Here in the Netherlands the got with a tvshow and everything more then 112million euro. Great.
But aren't we forgetting something. What about all the other people who die everyday from diseases of lack of food. Why no big huge fundraising for them. Why does (almost) nobody lifts a finger to help them.
We live in a truly strange and sad world.
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Latest reply: Jan 7, 2005
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