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Grandpa BIRIYANI Posted Jul 3, 2004
u poor hun,,toothache,,,....I know how u feel,,,not y fav ailment,,,do ya reckon its gotta be pulled ??
fancycallie Posted Jul 3, 2004
Deffinatly... it's broken.... can't get registered tho!!! no dentists round here will take me... got a shortage... livin on painkillers a mo
fancycallie Posted Jul 3, 2004
probably... am out tomoz... booze cruze!!
got a lot ov to do first tho!
feel a bit sick now tho!!
no more < stiffdrink> for me!!
fancycallie Posted Jul 3, 2004
painkillers have kicked in now....amoff t bed again.... seein as you've gone again!!!
good job ant got a webcam!!!
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