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brendab Posted Nov 21, 2004
Hiya Bc
Glad to hear you are doing fine and please, please, don't think you have to get into regular conversations over here. Although it is really lovely talking to you I would feel better if I thought you were out and about with your family and friends rather than 'superglued' to a computer
I only come onto my computer when I'm sending my brother in Canada an e-mail or looking for jobs to looking at Amazon (which is really amazing)
. This is what I was saying about the other message boards, I started getting bad feelings about all these busy people with busy lives and busy families who spend more time on their computer then I. OK, no-one wants to wear their heart on their sleeves on a message board but I like honesty and I can't see myself getting so involved with people I don't really know about and can change their persona at the drop of a hat (end of me being on my soap box).
Glad to hear your friend left her job - good on her, hope she does well in the future and good luck so very much good luck with your job Bc. Hope it goes well for you.
The weather here today is not too good I'm afraid. I need to go to the Supermarket but there is so much black ice around, it really is very dangerous. Just looking out of my window I've seen 3 people slip on the pavement and 2 near misses with cars going out of control, so I'm leaving going out until later. Had a wonderful time in Liverpool, absolutely wonderful. So much fun with my sister and best friend it really boosts my batteries. One of my friends in the village was ill while I was away and was so glad when I rang her when I came back, I felt so bad that she was ill while I was away but she's OK now. Her husband gave her lots of TLC while I was away. Nothing new on the job front but her, 24 hours is a long time so things could change daily.
Keep well Bc and look after yourself. Will speak to you again soon.
Hope the world treats you well till we speak again.
Serendipity always
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Nov 27, 2004
Hiya Bc
Don't know what has happened, I replied to your message a while ago but it doesn't seem to have joined the other messages.
However, you news has superceeded what I was writing about so I just wanted to say a huge, enourmous, WELL DONE YOU on getting a job. Is it the Admin Asst job you applied for? Oh Bc it is such great news and I am sooooo pleased for you
. I read about your news on the CB Board and was soooo pleased for you. I hope it goes really really well and that from now on it is onward and upward
Obviously Bc don't worry about coming into h2g2, if you are busy and getting out and about with work then that is wonderful. I'll pop in now and again to see if there is a message from you, but don't forget, I'm always here for a wee chat (even if it does take ages for me to come on and read you messages). You just concentrate of settling in to you new job and doing soooo well. I'm sure you will make a success of your job and that you won't look back.
Your good news and really cheered me up Bc, it is always nice to hear good news and it gave me a real lift to hear you had been successfull.
Once again Bc, very very well done, I wish I could actually buy you a real drink but the thought is there.
Try and keep in touch if you can Bc
Till we speak again, take care, look up, as even if there are clouds in the sky, beyond them are acres and acres of blue sky and sunshine so always look up, do well and keep positive and till we do speak again I hope the world continues to treat you well.
Serendipity Always Bc
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hardshellbutsoftie Posted Nov 27, 2004
My sweet friend,
Thank you for your support. I feel over the moon and the reactions from the CB'ers were so 'warm'. Coincidence, thought I'd pop over to h2g2 and here you were!!!
No, it's not what I applied for (municipality(?) - but the advantage of that is you come onto a list for future jobs. Now I'll be starting work on Monday at a company ONE STREET AWAY, practically next to MY EX-COMPANY!!!!!!!
Ah Bren, wonderful to share good news. How are YOU doing by the way?
Hope your eye-thing (was it an infection?) has cleared! So, is life treating you well,Bren? Sure hope it is!
Think radio Jackie tonight, but not sure because my eyelids are falling down. I'm just a very sleepy person
Brenda, thanks again you dearie, have a fantabulous weekend over there (weather here is not that well ). And don't worry, I hardly ever forget people!
See you next week or sooner, take care and have fun Brenpants!
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brendab Posted Dec 8, 2004
Well Hellowah Bc
Sorry for not being in touch. Been on this course and then when I come in the front door is always going with someone popping in for a coffee (well it's gin or wine actually but don't want to make you think I'm an 'alky')!
then the phone is always going then it's walking the dogs, then - well you get the drift.
Well my dear, how's the job going? Very very well I hope and I really really do hope that you are happy.
I'm registered with the Job Centre and have tried for a couple of temporary Christmas posts, but unfortunately there are a lot of younger people out there and they seem to get priority. Still if I'm not meant to get anything yet then I'm not meant. I'll just keep on applying, keep on keeping on and keep the spirits up (and I'm not talking about gin this time).
So to get back to the important one at the moment and that's you. As I say hope the job is going well and that you are happy there and making new friends and having new experiences
. Have you done any Christmas shopping?
Bet it's lovely over in Belgium at Christmas.
I'm going to Glasgow tomorrow night. I love just walking around, looking at the lights and just soaking up the whole Christmas thing.
Went on the MB's today. I see Perkins hasn't been around in the CB since last week
. Hope everything is OK. Perkins is one of the nicer posters on the Board and I really hope that he's not been upset by one of the morons that frequent those Boards.
So Bc, hope you are well and in good spirits and that life has turned around for you job wise.
Take care dear Bc and keep well, stay happy and hope the world treats you well till we speak again.
Stumblin' in
hardshellbutsoftie Posted Dec 12, 2004
Hi Bren,
Seems everyone is preparing for X-mas, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't! Really counting down, weekend with family again, so looking forward to it!
How was Glasgow?
Another job-week tomorrow - time flies! Incredible! And it seems to step up a gear every year!
Are you making more rum babas? Had to much marzipan today... again!
Hope 2005 will bring Perkins back - yep, miss him too! And for myself, stop smoking but I say that every year
Well, Bc not flawless as you can see
Going to have dinner now. Take very good care, sweet dreams and see you later my little droplet of Glenfiddich
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Dec 22, 2004
Greetings lovely BC
I'm going down to Liverpool to spend a wonderful Christmas with my sister and my best friend so I just wanted to say to you lovely BC that I hope you too have a really really wonderful Christmas and an excellent 2005.
It has been lovely sending wee messages to you this year BC and I thought of you yesterday when I was listening to the Jeremy Vine prog. There was a wonderful lady being interviewed who had a 9 year old child who was dying and she was talking about the lack of Hospices' around Britain, there was also a message from a man whose baby would not live to see Christmas. I was so upset to hear these 2 wonderful people but it also made me so angry to think of the pratt(s) on JV's Board who post messages like "I lost 2 children in an accident" etc etc etc when they havent, they are only making it up and probably having a good laugh to themselves that they took everyone in with their lies. That is one of the reasons I don't post over there any more. Then I thought of our little messages to each other and it restored my faith in message boards.
So BC all my very very best wishes to you, Good Luck (very Good Luck) for 2005 and I hope that your festive season and 2005 are happy, healthy and that the world in 2005 is good to you.
Will speak to you again when I return from Liverpool (before New Year) but in the meantime BC take care, look after yourself and keep safe.
Serendipity always
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hardshellbutsoftie Posted Dec 22, 2004
Hi lovely Bren,
'Going down to Liverpool', isn't that a song? Hope you have fun (for me it already starts with the packing - tomorrow evening)! I too wish you a merry, peaceful, cheerful X-mas and simply THE BEST (you don't deserve less!) for 2005. Yes, indeedy, hope we can continue our wee little chats - they are very important to me, to share joy is lovely but to share misery is - not that lovely- but it can help when there's a listening ear on the other end!
May all your wishes come true, and may you and your loved ones party away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for being there (I don't care how soppy that sounds- it's true) and please let's raise this virtual for the new year.
Peace all over the world!
Take care, my dear friend, till we speak again have fun, fun, fun and switch the world off at night!
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Jan 6, 2005
Just a quick wee note to say how much I sincerely wishhope
(and everything else)
that 2005 is a really really good year for you.
I reallly do hope that the year is good to you and treats you well.
Best wishes for the joband the new friendships you are going to make through your job
and here's to a good and better future for you in 2005
Take Care BC and speak to you soon
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hardshellbutsoftie Posted Jan 19, 2005
Dear Bren,
ALL THE BEST for 2005.
Don't think I'm neglecting you, just busy busy busy!
Catch you later (weekend)
Take care and save me a piece of your rum baba
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hardshellbutsoftie Posted Jan 31, 2005
Hiya Bren ,
How are you doing? Days are short little snippets of time these days, always busy! But I'm sitting now, coffee and smogstick ready (yes, I know I should quit - maybe 2006). Is it as cold in Scotland as it is over here? Ah, but I feel spring coming (Bc optimistic!
Was in the Cb Saturday and I believe it was Phil (Lord Evan Elpuss) who asked where you were. I could tell him you're at h2g2, if you'd like that?
Going to have a shower now, to wake up further - it always is a long and hard process, from bed to office, but we'll manage
Take care, see you for a piece of and
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- 21: brendab (Nov 21, 2004)
- 22: brendab (Nov 27, 2004)
- 23: hardshellbutsoftie (Nov 27, 2004)
- 24: brendab (Dec 8, 2004)
- 25: hardshellbutsoftie (Dec 12, 2004)
- 26: brendab (Dec 22, 2004)
- 27: hardshellbutsoftie (Dec 22, 2004)
- 28: brendab (Jan 6, 2005)
- 29: hardshellbutsoftie (Jan 19, 2005)
- 30: hardshellbutsoftie (Jan 31, 2005)
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