This is the Message Centre for brendab
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Stumblin' in
hardshellbutsoftie Started conversation Aug 3, 2004
Hi sweet Bren,
Just spreading a handful of positivity while I'm here.
I hope you're still visiting here.
(Oh yes, you know who I am it starts with a B and ends with a c.)
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Oct 20, 2004
Is that BC from the CB?????????
I'm still here, still looking in at the CB and JV, but not posting at the moment
If that is BC, let me know and I'll contact you again
Lots has happened since August BC not good I'm afraid.
Hope everything is OK with you and thanks so much for trying to make contact
I've not been in here for some time but just though I should take a look see Spooky eh?
Take Care B ending in C and hope to speak to you again soon.
Stumblin' in
hardshellbutsoftie Posted Oct 22, 2004
What's up, dear Brenda?
Thought you had a nice job in a hotel? What has gone wrong? I'm sorry but I can't bear to see a friend .
If it's a comfort, I am running from A to Z and no job till now! But can't give up hope! Not now I deserted a company you'd love to loathe!
Hope Bc can Brenda, I can always listen!
When I was down I just mentioned it in the CB and the support is so - what's the word? - uplifting! They're a really nice bunch.
So, if you need an e-ear, Bc is always here
If you want to have a rant or tell about your off-day, fine by Bc.
Want to keep problems private, okay too, Bc has that too sometimes
I just want to wish you a good week-end and remember your Belgian choccy will always spare a minute or two for you .
Hope the world treats YOU well, you deserve it, my cara amiga!
Take care and please come back, we miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeya, matey!
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Oct 22, 2004
Hiya BC (I was looking for a face with wings on to signify an Angel but there isn't one but you get the drift).
Well BC, I had a job in a Hotel up here in Scotland, however, the owner was not running it properly. I managed to save him £600 per month on his outgoings in the first month, but we both came to the conclusion that I was 'over qualified' for the job and he was letting staff go for the Winter anyway. However, I did manage to find a job in Cheshire (Holmes Chapel) to Manage a 42 bedroom hotel down there. Unfortunately the owner (again) had £50,000 worth of 'bad debt' and was losing about £200 PER MONTH on her bar!!!! I was about to sign a long lease on a house down there so she had a wee chat to me in her office and said that she had put the hotel up for sale and couldn't guarantee my job for the next month never mind the next year! I thanked her for letting me pack up and move down from Scotland etc then packed my bags and came back up to Scotland and signed back on the dole! I certainly know how to pick em. I think the problem was that I was so desperate for a job I just took the first ones that came along without seriously looking at either the job or the signs that were coming out at interview. I won't make the same mistake twice.
The reason I've not been posting BC is that I sometimes sit here at my computer and scratch my head at some of the posts (not in the CB but on the JV Board). The people on there are supposed to have busy lives/jobs/husbands/wives/children yet they seemed to spend more time on the computer than I do when I'm single, no children and unemployed! I tried to post a message to Helen when I was going down to Holmes Chapel to let her know I was in the area but it was modded for having too much personal information in it! The CB is fine but even there I feel there are people who are taking the piss out of the lovely folk on the CB and quite honestly there is enough 'orrible' stuff going on in the world without people using a messsage board to poke fun at others, especially when you don't know the circumstances surrounding the reason why those people are on the Boards.
I take the view that if I were actually in a Coffee Bar sitting down and talking to the people who post that would be fine. But if someone came in and tried poking fun at those people it would end up in a fight, so rather than cause trouble on the Boards I decided to stay away for a while to see if the 'piss takers' got fed up and went elsewhere to play.
So anyway my little 75% cocoa, how are you? Very well I hope and continuing to spread positivity all over the place It is such a shame BC that there are so many piss takers on the Boards as I think people go on the Boards because the world outside is so horrible and they can find a refuge on the Boards. It's also nice to be able to meet people at the other end of the country without having to travel
Perhaps I am being naive but I really can't understand why some people want to be so cruel as to wind people up on a Board when those people are on for all the right reasons and the wind up merchants are not. I think perhaps they are really cowards who know that if they were to wind someone up face to face they would probably get their lights punched out!!!
Anyway my lovely little piece of, once again bless you and thank you for getting in touch on here. I hope we can keep in touch on here until I feel I can control myself enough to get back on the BBC boards and not give the piss takers what for. I don't think that course of action is productive or useful as by definition, the piss takers would only take the piss more!
So sweet BC, good night, sleep well and keep safe and I hope you dreams take you to a lovely place during the night.
I also hope that the world treats you well till we speak again.
Until then lots ofand
and Serendipity Always
Stumblin' in
hardshellbutsoftie Posted Oct 23, 2004
Bren, I can understand your views.
You never can know who you're talking to, but on the other hand I am everything I say I am, 24 and Belgian. If they don't believe me, well their problem - can't help it I'm so young and born in another country. I just think the English language is LOVELY! Nicer than Dutch.
I've had a horrible working experience too. Will tell you about that shortly!
Tonight I'm babysitting - which means I usually fall asleep BEFORE my nephews. They don't seem to mind
So, seeya tomorrow dear friend, maybe I'll be listening online to Jason - enjoyed his breakfast show.
Take care and I know what you mean - the whole jobhunting business is tiresome! And it has nothing to do with laziness. It's always oh sorry you can't drive, haven't got a degree from university, over-qualified, someone more fitting for the profile. Need I go on? Oh, and colleagues and bosses. I suggest we become ambassadors of peace, Bren, wouldn't that be a nice job? After we have won the lottery of course!
Take care and sweet dreams (switch off the world I always say!)
Speak to you later, butterscotch!
X Bc
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Oct 24, 2004
Hiya BC
Good to hear from you again. I also can assure you that I am who I am. I've been on JV's show as Brenda and he even sent me an e-mail saying 'Hi Brenda' when I sent a little something to him for his wee daughter, so I am Brenda, I live in Scotland with my 2 wee dogs. To be honest BC I have trouble remembering things that have actually happened, never mind trying to remember some fantasy life I have created!!!
Have you listened to Jason today? I have only been able to listen to him once, then my computer kept coming up with illegal programme, going to close down, so I don't even venture over to Radio Jackie anymore. I think both Jason and Mike are doing such good work on the hospital radio and I wish them all the best. I think Jason would really like a chance with BBC radio, and I hope that one day he gets that chance. Everyone deserves some kind of luck in their life.
How did the babysitting go? I have 13 nephews and nieces and 3 god-daughters so I've had my fair share of sitting in the past. My god-daughters are triplets and are 17 now so they don't need baby-sitting, however we still have so much fun when we get together talking about fashion and hairstyles and boys and the such like. They are really good fun but I think I'm biased.
Baked my first Christmas cake of the year yesterday (I've got 3 to do), then some friends came around last night as we were going to the pub in the next village for a 'blues' night, they had to taste the rum I was putting in the cake to make sure it was OK, and we carried on when we came back, so feeling a bit hung over today, it will pass.
I think we would be good ambassadors for piece BC, it is what is needed these days. I also dream of winning the lottery. If I won I would invite some of the people (including you) from the CB to a nice hotel somewhere and we could all have a lovely week-end with me paying for it all, I would then make sure all my family and friends are set up for the rest of their life, I'd then give some money to the Dogs Trust and to Monkey World down in Dorset as they do such fantastic work. I'd then take some money over to Africa and oversee the building of a hospital and school somewhere where it was really needed. That last task is definitely fantasy, as even I realise that once you leave these places, the scum come in and trash everywhere,
but still, it would be nice to believe that one day, something like that could happen.
What's the weather like down by you BC? It was lovely up here yesterday, took my wee dogs for a walk and it was gorgeous, however today is rain, rain and more rain. Think I'll light a fire later and read a good book or watch a video.
Hope things improve on the job front for you BC. At least I can say I've had some working life, but for such talent to be unemployed at 24 is a crime and it shouldn't be allowed to happen, so all the best on the job front. Although people moan about having to go to work, it does give you a sense of purpose and it's nice having your own money in your pocket.
Have you visited Amazon? I go on there quite regularly as you can get some really good bargains in CD's and videos. You can get some great imported music as well as CD's for a little as £2.99. I like the Blues and I got a really good CD by Leadbelly the other week for £2.99. It was delivered within 3 days as well. It's good being able to look at all the CD's and stuff, like being in a shop.
Anyway you lovely BC, pity there arn't more like you either on the message boards or anywhere else for that matter. Thank's once again for getting in touch,
keep safe
, keep happy
and keep positive about getting a job.
Take care and hope the world treats you well today and always
Stumblin' in
hardshellbutsoftie Posted Oct 24, 2004
Ay Bren,
Weather is usually what you have in England, only a day later.
Rain today, but I don't mind actually, like all seasons.
Would hate to have X-mas in the sun!
From 2000-2004 I worked at a firm only a street away. It started out nicely, only father was boss then, and son took over. We didn't get along, and that's an understatement. It ended in a depression, I'm still on Cypralex, but I've been feeling much better since I went away. Nothing I ever did was right and he liked to humiliate his employees before everyone else. Can't blame the colleagues, it's scary - when looking back- you think - how could it have come to this? But in the end I resembled a robot. Until one day I had a gigantic dip - think drinking port in the morning to drink it away - and instead of work I went to the doctor's and had a mega-rant. In retrospect, the best thing I've ever done. I'm still full of 'bile' - but now I'm trying to work things out and I keep looking out for jobs. I felt released from prison when I left that company! 4 YEARS! I could have slapped myself! However, past is past, you can't change it. So, we gotta move on!
Babysit was just as I expected, me very very sleepy, nephews full of energy. But they're great kids, really!
Don't know why but I felt very lazy whole day. Normally I study, but today I thought nah... so I listened to Vicky and Jason online. . Both great shows, honestly!
Awaiting phone call from the temp office tomorrow. Won't get my hopes up like last time, but we're not getting pessimistic! Ah, ça non eh!
Yes, I said maybe half in jest I would like to meet Jen in 2019. But I'm really curious about some of the CB'ers. Don't want to wait so long!
Tell you what though, Bren, if we can continue this e-friendship - yes, I consider you my matey - we'll meet up in 2009. I've always wanted to visit Scotland! Sounds beautiful! Could go for a walk with your wee dogs
and you can let me have a piece of your wonderful rum baba
. Like I said to Jen, we could meet up somewhere neutral. By then, I'll have proven I'm bona fide - I've got nothing to hide, it's just I HATE being photographed. But, you'll have to take me as I am - and seriously I am quite shy in real life
Thank god for the Internet!
Early night again, (I'm an early bird), this can seriously damage my reputation as arty farty reader, but I'm taking 'Middlemere' by Judith Lennox to bed.
Brenda, don't know if you're still looking for a job, but good luck with whatever you've got planned for this week. Sweet dreams starring Bryan Ferry no, whatever things/people you think are worth dreaming about.
My sweet ambassador of peace, I'm going to leave you know and smoke a cig (bad, I know! - it's one of my flaws!).
Had to think about that Madness song 'Wings of a dove'!
Take care chappy, have a good Glenfiddich if you like the stuff, enjoy your start of the week but have a good Sunday evening first!
Speak to you soon!
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Oct 24, 2004
Hiya you little Chocolate Button
Thanks again for your message Have I got your message wrong, or did you work for your Dad and it didn't work out
If it was your Dad and it didn't work out, then please, please don't beat yourself up about it. Don't want to say too much now until I get my facts right but please let me know if it was your Dad you were working for.
Tell you what my little Lets have a 'truth' session. Is your name really Rich are is it something else? On the JV board I've been asked what my surname is and I've refused to let them know (it's none of their business anyway) however, to build up trust in each other, you let me know if Rich is your real name and I'll let you know my surname. It's Barclay and that what the b stands for in brendab. Are you still in Belgium then my little piece of
? The village I live in is called Aberfoyle. If you look on the map it is about half an inch to the left and just a little above Stirling. It's a lovely village (I step out of my front gate and there is Ben Lomond at the top of the street) however, there is a very bad drug and alcohol problem here as well as inter breeding and the fact that the villagers don't get out much. However, you CAN leave your front door open, your car unlocked and people do notice if you're not around and knock to ask if everything is OK.
I've had a lovely day. After a good 'fry up' I lit a fire and some more of my mates came around so we sat and watched Life of Brian by the Pythons. That film is my absolute favourite and if you look at it in today's context is so relevant. The story could be transformed into today's politics and people would still get it.
I'm reading The American Boy by Andrew Taylor at the moment. I finished Like Water for Chocolate (again - for the 5th time) on Friday. I have the video and well which is as good as the book (for a change). I've started to read a lot of books by Indian writers. The last one I read was The Last Song of Dusk which was fabulous. My wee niece is marrying a lovely Indian lad next year and he has introduced us to a lot of his culture which is absolutely wonderful, you should try them, they are facinating.
Good luck for your phone call tomorrow and please keep thinking positive. I know sometimes it is really really hard but although I don't believe in religion I do believe that things that happen to us in life happen for a purpose. If they don't happen for a purpose (i.e. if they happen but they shouldn't have happened) I get a terrible panicy feeling, as if something has stepped in to my life who shouldn't have. However, I do believe that all we can do is to learn and become stronger from what life has to throw at us. So keep heart wee BC, you have come through so much and I'm sure you are a stronger person because of it (even though you may not think so) so you have a lot to be proud of in yourself, so keep strong for yourself and keep believing in yourself. You know, you can get advice from the wisest of people, but you know, when those people say good-bye and carry on with their own lives, you are left to carry on with yours, so believe in yourself and believe in that little 'voice' or 'feeling' that is deep within you. Follow that and even if things don't work out, at least you are being true to yourself.
Keep Heart BC and take care.
I hope your dreams take you to a lovely place during the night and I hope the world treats you well till we speak again. Keep Strong and Keep faith in yourself.
Stumblin' in
hardshellbutsoftie Posted Oct 25, 2004
Hi Bren,
First of all, no I wasn't working for my dad at all. It just was a family business,A father and A son ( I've re-read my post and I can't blame you for the misunderstanding - but THE father was sort of okay, whereas THE son was - well - just horrible.
Got phone call - another no, but that's because they're looking for a native speaker (French) and they told me all in all I did well and they enjoyed the talk very much. And in a strange way, I felt flattered and not down-hearted at all. Bit of a boost for my ego
My parents are off to Thailand and it is my ambition of finding a job before they return. They've been great - really supportive and I'm only more determined to get a job now!
So: truth game: My real name is Koen VR (that's V for Van) and I really don't understand why people (Jen especially) think I'm Rich! Don't get me wrong - I'm not angry - but I really really don't understand!
I sent Jason e-mails to Radio Jackie and he can confirm I'm 'genuine' (Belgian). I could give you e-mail address but not here, Barclay
Maybe I'll ask Pond Girl to be a medium. I think I can trust her.
I live in the little province of Antwerp, in a town called Willebroek.
Will talk to you soon, Bren, enjoy your Monday evening and save a little piece of rum baba for B!
Keep your chin up, Bren, and sweet dreams my dear friend!
Give your wee dogs regards from choccybits!
Take care, you
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Oct 25, 2004
Evnin Koen
I think the misunderstanding over who you are has arisen as on my 'reply' on this board it says "message from Rich" even though your name is something else. As most people on the BBC Board have 'other'names and change those 'other' names to 'other other'names it is difficult to really find out who is who. However, if you say you are Koen, then that is fine with me.
Sorry you had trouble in your last job with the Son, unfortunately it is often the case that the Son in a family business feels he has to emulate and do 100 times as better as the Father, and usually then end up making a complete and utter hash of everything.
However, good to hear that you are so highly thought of even though you don't speak French!!!! You have to carry on believing in yourself Koen, if you don't believe in yourself, how can you expect others to believe in you, it's like love, if you don't love or like yourself, how can you expect others to love or like you, so keep on believing Koen.
Weather up here today has been awful, sudden downpours then sun but it has been so very cold and can you believe, someone in the village has put up their Christmas decorations!!! Took my wee dogs for an evening walk earlier and there where the decorations, for all to see, up and glistening with the tree all lit up. Oh, it's going to be a long Christmas season I can see that. I love Christmas, but only as far as December is concerned. My decs are usually down before New Year, once something is over, it's over, and all this nonsense about it's bad luck - if my luck in life has to depend on whether or not I take my Christmas decorations down by a certain date then I'll just pack it all in now thank you. How come you started listening to Radio 2 and got on the Message Boards from Belgium? Are the radio stations over there that bad!!!! Mind you, when you listen to the progs all day there are messages from all over the place, Canada, Australia, USA, Africa, people all over are listening on their computers, another good things about computers I suppose.
My wee niece sent me a wonderful e-mail today, it was entitled 'Passport' and it was a picture of a woman who had applied for a passport. The thing is, is that she is one of these woman who are covered from head to toe in a veil so you can't see anything, not even her eyes, just someone behind the veil. I thought it was funny but I also wondered how these women really do go about getting a passport if they're not allowed to show their faces!
Please let me know a little bit more about your life in Belgium. What's the point in having a pal in Belgium if I can't find out more about the culture. Is there a certain food that is popular in Belgium, what about music and traditions (say at Christmas) and a favourite drink?
Anyway Koen, (do I pronounce that like Cohan)? Good to hear from you again, you don't need a 'medium' with me Koen, if you are who you say you are then that's fine as far as I'm concerned, but as I say, if Jen is getting 'reply from Rich' on her computer then perhaps that's why she doesn't believe you (yet).
Take care Koen, hope the sun shines on you and hope your dreams take you to a wonderful place in the night.
May the world treat you well till we speak again.
Stumblin' in
hardshellbutsoftie Posted Oct 26, 2004
Hi Brenda,
Koen is pronounced like moon, only with a K
But you can call me Bc!
So, about how I came here: think it started with Eurovision
However, I always checked the bbc website for news and sport. But just started reading threads and one evening I had the audicity to post a message and Pondy replied. The rest is history
Apart from that I like living in Belgium: it's quite a safe place. Same problems as the rest of Europe concerning immigration,unemployment etc..
And the problems between Flanders and Walloon. It can become really ridiculous at times, but I have to agree on one point: I want to be served in DUTCH in Brussels, not in French, as much as I like the language. It's a matter of respect.
On the other hand, I'm glad I was taught in Flemish/Dutch because you know you have to learn English, French and German if you want to succeed in your job life.
I don't like the Vlaams Blok, which is (by now probably the largest party) a bunch of neonazi's, wife beaters and scum in parliament. But they wear suits. And people vote for them because the government can't solve the problems. But their views scare me!
Fortunately, there are many good sides also to this little state: the variety of beers, good social security services, the food (even though it can include eel and horse meat), the cities and the atmosphere.
And Jacques Brel, Tintin and the feeling time is passing by slower than in other countries.
Forgot to mention the bakeries and chocolateries!
So, tell me what it's like living in Scotland, Brenda? It must have its problems but the views must be wonderful! I only know Loch, Glenfiddich and Haggis. Broaden my knowledge, will you
Have a great evening and night, packed with sweet dreams waiting to be turned into reality. My sweet fellow ambassador of peace, catch you later and give them wee dogs a paw from
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Oct 27, 2004
Hiya Bc
Thanks for your insight into Belgium, very very interesting. It's nice to know how other people live in other countries and what is really going on
So, what is Scotland like Scotland is lovely, it sound very much like Belgium in that where I live, life has slowed down
I can leave my front (and back) door open, I don't have to lock my car, in fact the Police Station is closed more than it is open. The children can (and do)play out safely
Everyone looks at you and says 'hello'
and from my back window I can see the burn (Scottish for stream) running down from the Forest, down to the back of the Church and off into what becomes The Forth. At this time of year, when I'm out walking my dogs or just sitting by my back door having a cuppa I can hear the Stags calling across the Glen to gather their females together for a wee bit of 'hocky pocky'
and it is such a wonderful feeling hearing the Stags as it really brings home to you that they have been doing this sort of thing for thousands of years and we humans are just intruders and ought to respect them instead of chasing them with dogs. However, that last part isn't true of Scotland it only happens down in England at the moment, but you get the drift
I can't remember the last time I was in a traffic jam up here. They do happen, but they don't intrude on my life and when I'm at the check-out in a Supermarket or B&Q or such like I never have to wait that long to go through, so really on that side it is stress free.
On the other side of the coin there is a very bad drugs problem in the village, which the Police know about but seem to do little about
If you are a couple with children or someone who is very old the village is wonderful
but for us in-between once 5.00p.m comes everywhere closes (I know that happens in Cities as well but there is usually something to do). The teenagers turn to drugs as there is nothing else for them to do. There is a lot of alcoholism in the village as there is nothing else to do, but it is so bad to see people who arn't that much younger than me, staggering down the road at the same time EVERY night doing the same things EVERY day. There is a lot of 'inter breeding' which sounds awful but there is no other way of putting it and it shows. You can have a conversation with someone and they tell you something really mundane however, they say it as if it's a revelation or something. One guy goes to the pub EVERY night and EVERY night around 10.00p.m. he tells the SAME tale of how he went down to England (20 years ago) and was there for 2 weeks (wow). Yes, he was there for 2 weeks, NOT 1 mind, BUT 2. And the same people listen to the same tale and then stagger home. That's why I'm looking to move back down South. I've been in Scotland for 17 years and I think it is now time to move back home. However, that won't be for a long time now unfortunately.
The Scottish Parliament could, quite possibly, do well in the future. The SNP should have done well but I think it is now in the throws of dying. More Scots (as a whole) are moving out of Scotland and more people from other parts are moving in and as these people arn't really interested in an 'Independent Scotland' then they are preaching to a smaller and smaller audience. The Scots (like everyone else) say they are not prejudice, yet in some parts the English get their cars smashed and ignored, there are very few ethnic minorities at the moment, however that is starting to change so peoples perceptions are going to have to change also and Scotland is going to have to welcome more minority groups (including the English).
If you like whisky, try and get hold of a bottle of 'Bhunnahaibin'. It is a Islay Malt and is absolutely lovely, but little heard of, so most people go for the more 'famous' ones and spout forth on how to drink it and what you should and shouldn't do (which is a load of rubbish as you drink it the way you want). If anyone tells you you shouldn't drink it with water, or you should drink it with water or you shouldn't put anything else in it, tell them to 'spout down', as drinking is a purely individual experience and there are no hard and fast rules.
So Bc I hope I have giving you some sort of insight into where I live. Like everywhere else there is a lot of good and a lot of bad but hey, that's what makes the world go around. If things arn't different, then they don't work
So little Choccie till we speak again look after yourself and good luck with the job hunting.
Take Care
Stumblin' in
hardshellbutsoftie Posted Oct 27, 2004
Bren, thanks for the information
Now I won't be so ignorant about Scotland.
The hocky pocky of Stags...
So, are you moving back south or better would you move southwards if you had the money? I guess you mean England?
Today wasn't a good day, but luckily it's almost over. I'm not saying this for getting consolation. It's just one of those days you're glad you can go to bed. Splitting headache and everything -including the meal - went wrong. So tomorrow must be better. I'm very as it is.
Think it was just a bad hair day
How did you look for jobs? I also check the papers and local magazines, but nope! But, never despairing, Bren, always moving on, that Bc
It was so COLD today - thought it was midwinter!
Brenda, dudey, take care and many many sweet dreams and maybe a nice night-cap before that (you said the name, but I must read it again - can't spell it!).
Good evening
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Oct 28, 2004
Well Hello There BC
Sorry you didn't have a good day yesterday. Isn't it funny, one day you get up and everything is great for no apparent reason
then the next day it's as if the end of the world is coming, everything is wrong and it seems to be such a long terrible day
That's when you hit the keyboard and send a wee message to me Bc
or get on the CB board as you can normally get a wee chuckle from there
I find that the internet is a very very good place to look for jobsthere are lots of different sites depending on what sort of job you are looking for
The Jobcentreplus site is very good over here
You just find the type of work you want by looking at the list, then type in the area you want to cover i.e. Stirling/Glasgow/whatever, then press the button and hey presto
a list of jobs comes up on the screen. That doesn't mean to say that there is a suitable job there but at least it's there, just in case the right one comes up
I find that google is very good for employment sites as well, however you have to watch some Recruitment Agencies as all they want to do is to get you on their 'books', so they can advertise that they have 'so many clients looking for work' to potential employers. In reality they don't have an awful lot of employment placements and they all seem to have 3 hour lunches, don't get into work until 10.30 and leave at 3.00! Sounds like a pretty good job hey Bc
Anyway little choccie, it's easy to say don't get too down, but hey, without the downs we wouldn't have the ups. It's only if the downs and the bad hair days tend to be more than the good days that you have to watch out, so if that starts happening, let me know and I'll sing Always Look On the Bright Side of Life (de dum, de dum de dum de dum) for you. I've got the Python CD and am always playing it
Some of the songs on it can't be repeated
(I tried once on the JV Board and was modded as the words were so rude)
but it's still a good album to listen to to raise your spirits
So Bc, take care, keep strong and keep believing in yourself and until we speak again I hope that the world (starts) treats you well.
Stumblin' in
hardshellbutsoftie Posted Oct 29, 2004
Hi Brenda,
Today was a good day, meaning (ok it was grey) but I managed to clean up a bit and I was good-spirited. It's a start
Tomorrow I'm going out to dinner with my ex-colleague and her hubby. Basically she's in the same position now as I was in a few months ago. Yes, you remember that horrible company I told you about! Well, she returned from (don't know if it's the right English term) maternity leave to find all her duties were handed over to other colleagues and all she was allowed to do was... filing.
And she's more ambitious than me! I really feel for her. She's such a bright woman! She wants to resign and I told her she would only be the more happy for it. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Now that's the only reason I regret not working there anymore: she's the only one I could call a 'real' colleague, sticking up for me when times got rough and I was in the right!
But, apart from talking about work, hope we can joke, because she is truly good company
Actually enjoyed my lunch today: when I'm calm enjoy everything, it's when I'm nervous things start to go wrong. No more nagging from Bc: it's the weekend! Have you got something special planned? Do you like cooking or are you more an instant meal-kinda person (like me?)
I'm reperusing Roald Dahl - makes me think of my childhood - before I know it it'll be way past bedtime.
Have a lovely, peaceful and delicious weekend, dear Brenda, and take care of yourself. Many sweet dreams, till next time!
X Bc
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Nov 1, 2004
Hiya Bc
Well how's things? Hope you had a lovely week-end and that the world was good to you, How's your friend - the one you used to work with? Hope everything is OK with her. Do you know, the more I hear of tales of how people are treated in work the more I feel we are back in Dickensian times not in the hi-tech world we are supposed to be in, it beggars belief that people are still treated so badly. I think it is good that you are no longer working for that company Bc, at least you don't have a job but you still have your dignity and self esteem.
I had a wonderful week-end. A friend of mine has a birthday today so he started celebrating on Friday! He was a wonderful bar in his house and his partner is the sort if you take a sip of your drink she fills the glass up again as if it were half empty!!!! He's a musician so we had so many jam sessions and singing old rock songs etc, it was wonderful.
Finished my last Christmas cake on Saturday so all I have to do now is to 'feed' them with Rum until Christmas. Trouble is, I look at the bottle of Rum and think 'why should the Cake have all the fun'?
Another get together tonight to celebrate the actual birthday then it's 'drying out' time (until next week-end when it's another friends birthday!!!).
I don't know how much I'm going to be on the computer this week Bc. BT are carrying out some work in the village (we still have electric cables and telephone wires running along the sides of the roads on the grass verges). BT have said that there will be times when the lines will be down so to watch our computers as the connection may stop without warning, plus I'm hoping to get back on the training for work course I was on before I went down South.
Hope you have a good week Bc and the world treats you well.
When I'm back up and running I'll contact you again.
Until then wee Bc take care, have a good time in the CB (and anywhere else you go to) and I'll speak to you again soon.
Keep Safe, Keep Positive and Keep Happy
Stumblin' in
hardshellbutsoftie Posted Nov 6, 2004
Hi Bren,
Hope your birthday parties were fun!
Tomorrow my gran turns 83, so will visit her, of course. It's only since my grandpa died when I thought OK maybe I should really see her more, she may not be around for much longer. Such a sweet woman!
Sister came around today, was nice afternoon. Yet we're so not alike, but always get along! She's extravert, I'm introvert. She does the talking, I listen
Am listening to Jason for the moment, strange but the listening in online facilities for Radio Jackie are much better than R2. I always lose the connection after 1 hour of Jeremy Vine!
So I'm having Radio Jackie as background and I am reading 'The History of Esperanto' - ok maybe there's not many people who speak the language, but the founder was an idealist, a bit like Bc
Really interesting!
Bren, have you experienced many problems with the computer this week then? Actually my listening online to all radio stations worked out - about time! - only I managed to spill a glass of red wine on the printer! Better clean that up before dad comes home from Thailand!
Do have a lovely weekend, dear Bren, and if you're looking for work, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!
Take care and switch the world off tonight
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Nov 7, 2004
Hiya Bc
What a week here BT lines being repaired and renewed, electricity lines being repaired and renewed
Been told it's going through to next week as well
still, so long as the service is better when all is finished then perhaps it's all worth it
Birthdays and things were absolutely wonderful So much fun and laughter and companionship
. I was going to be on the JV show twice this week
The first time was in the discussion about Ageism, the show rang me back and asked me to go on it, but I had a lunch date so they just read out my comments instead, then there was the discussion on Friday about being single, but I changed my mind as I don't really like bearing my soul to the nation. Even though I'm extremely happy about being single and have a great life it didn't feel right to go on the JV show for some reason
It's good that you and your sister get on My big sister is wonderful absolutely wonderful
We haven't always got on, but hey who does
We just get over it and move on, but we are always there for each other and have a fabulous time every time we are together
I think relationships are very important Bc, from Grandparents right through to people you just meet in the street, it's a way of making YOUR world that bit better, sweeter and nicer
I'm re-commencing a course I was on before I went down South. It starts a week on monday. It's the European Computer Driving Licence. It isn't the most brilliant course in the world, but it is another qualification and that's always useful
I did have thoughts this week of packing everything in and moving to Greece to open a little Taverna over there After the results of the election in America which was depressing enough, I don't know if you get our news where you are, but last Christmas Day a young couple were coming home from the Evening Service (this was in the early hours of christmas morning) when a drunk driver drove into them
The young woman was killed and her boyfriend seriously hurt
This week the driver driver appealed against his sentence and won
He had his sentence reduced and his driving ban reduced
There was also the case of a father who put his baby daughter in the back of his car, went to the pub and forgot all about her
The poor wee thing was in the car for 5 hours
He appealed against his sentence and again his sentence was reduced
I thought what is this country coming to
Life just seems to be so cheap these days and I honestly don't like the direction this country is going in
I thought it would be lovely to go to one of the Greek islands, open a little taverna, go native, and just block the rest of the world out
However, no matter where you go, you can't hide, so I suppose good old 'blighty' is still for me.
Anyway Bc, hope you enjoy listening to Jason, what a lovely bloke he is I can't listen to him on my computer as when I try it comes up illegal programme and I have all sorts of probs getting out of it and getting the computer back up and running
so I just have to send Jason all the best telepathically (don't think this was of sending messages is working thought)!!!!!
Well Bc enjoy the rest of your week-end and I hope the world treats you well till we speak again. I'll try and get back on tomorrow (depending on BT and the Electricity company)
Till then, keep safe, keep happy, keep positive (especially job wise) and look after yourself and your Gran and all your loved ones. It's NEVER too late to let them know how you feel and how much they matter.
Take Care Bc
Serendipity Always
Stumblin' in
brendab Posted Nov 17, 2004
Hi Bc
Hope everything is OK with you at the moment I was down in Liverpool last week,
came back up on Sunday,
should have started my computer course on Monday but woke up with conjunctivitus (hope I've spelt that right) in my right eye
Hope you are OK Bc, haven't been in to the BBC Message Boards for a while so don't know if you're around of not
I just noticed that there wasn't a reply to my last message and am a wee bit worried about you. If there is a problem please let me know and I'll try my upmost to help you
If it's just that you are too busy then that is wonderful being able to get out and see and talk to people is a lot better than being in front of a computer all day. I know as I've had times in the past few months when I've been stuck in front of a computer all day and that OK if that if where you are at at that particular moment
and you know I'll always be here on the other end of the internet line
but you really can't beat talking face to face with someone and having the contact with others face to face
Anyway Bc as I say hope everything is OK and you know where I am if you need a wee chat
Take Care and Look after yourself
Hope the world treats you well until we speak again
Stumblin' in
hardshellbutsoftie Posted Nov 17, 2004
Hi Bren,
Busy, yet no excuse for not writing to dear Bren.
No excuse!
Hope you'll forgive me, that ex-colleague I told you about finally went - thank God for her! She decided she would be happier elsewhere
Conjunctivitis? How did you get that, Bren?
Get well soon, I'll even give you a special Bc-
Hopefully it doesn't hurt too much!
I applied at the 'council' or 'municipality' - really don't know what it is in English, for 'administrative assistant' - I think it went well, only these things could take a month (receiving an answer I mean)
I'm fine, really, there's X-mas coming up, weekend away with my - yes got to say it - lovely family, we're not panicking!
And copywriting course going OK.
Where do you stand now, B, are you registered at one of those offices where they can offer you temporary jobs?
So, to sum it up, Bc fine - donation to CIN was too much trouble, but I do what I can over here. Saw your post, wondered how Brenda was doing, went to h2g2 and there you were! I'll try to check it more regularly (h2g2), was delighted to have your post and enjoy the 'wee chat'
Take care, sweet Brenda, and if anyone deserves to be treated well by the world, it's YOU!
See you and have a FANTASTIC evening! Bc XXXX
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- 12: brendab (Oct 27, 2004)
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- 14: brendab (Oct 28, 2004)
- 15: hardshellbutsoftie (Oct 29, 2004)
- 16: brendab (Nov 1, 2004)
- 17: hardshellbutsoftie (Nov 6, 2004)
- 18: brendab (Nov 7, 2004)
- 19: brendab (Nov 17, 2004)
- 20: hardshellbutsoftie (Nov 17, 2004)
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