This is the Message Centre for SalmonSashimiOfDoubt


Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Hello there, and welcome to h2g2! I'm fords, one of the Assistant Community Editors (ACE) and I'm your offical welcomer. smiley - smiley

Now, there are many weird and wonderful things to see and do on h2g2, but instead of bombarding you with information I have compiled a useful guide at A811874 which will help you to get acquainted with the site, make your Personal Space all pretty and introduce you to the wonderful world of the h2g2 smiley and GuideML - the Guide's very own markup language which comes in very useful for writing Guide entries and creating a great Personal Space smiley - biggrin

Any questions? smiley - dontpanic - simply reply to this message and I'll be more than happy to help smiley - biggrin

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