This is the Message Centre for Team Angel (Spike)


Post 1

Researcher 242292

To all scoobie and team angel members

Angel and myself have been unhappy with the lack of activity and contribution to group coversations and rooms aswell as members just dissapearing, so we are reviewing all members involvment in our group and have set up a new set of rules.

1 - Every member must display either THE SCOOBIES (character name) or TEAM ANGEL (Character name) in there nickname.

2 - All members need to play an active and regular role in group conversations and chat rooms

3 - All members must notify either myself or Angel if they expect to be offline for more than 2 months

4 - We would apprieciate it if all members would place links to our group rooms on there personal pages, these room are

The Hellmouth Inn U241881
Angel Investigations A2232172
THE SCOOBIES and TEAM ANGEL Club Room A2657469.

Over the next week or so we will be reviewing all of the members activity. Obviously we also have some very good and loyal members, you know who you all are, well you can ignore this message as it does not apply to you smiley - smiley

Thank you very much guys

smiley - love Buffy & Angel

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