This is the Message Centre for Team Angel (Spike)
Your Page
Researcher 242292 Started conversation May 26, 2004
hiya hun,
gonna be sending you a load of codes over the next couple of days to help you with your page, there not too hard so you shouldnt have too much trouble
Before we start though you will need to go down to "edit this page" and change style to Guide ML ok hun
Your Page
Researcher 242292 Posted May 26, 2004
Heres a few links to have a look through while your waiting ok
Just click on them
A308215 - Your Personal page
A155909 - Smiley Library
A692741 - Picture Liarary
A6690518 - Spicing up your user page
A317459 - H2g2 Tour
A719840 - New User Link
Scoobie and Team Angel links
U241881 - The Hellmouth Inn
A2232172 - Angel Investigations
A2657469 - The Scoobies and Team Angel Club Room
Ok hope this helps hun and ill send you those codes as soon as I get a chance
Buffy xx
Your Page
Researcher 242292 Posted May 26, 2004
oops one of them was worng lol
A690518 - Spicing up your user page
ok that should work now lol
Buffy xx
Your Page
Researcher 242292 Posted May 26, 2004
This code is for a title box, and you need to put it in between the and ok
Type message or title here
Key: Complain about this post
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