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Kat - From H2G2 Started conversation Jan 28, 2005
hello! Just dropping you a note to say that I'm going to start looking at your entry and subbing it this weekend or so. Thought it might be nice to let you know and ask if there is anything you think should be changed or you specifically don't want changed or anything. I'll tell you when I've finished doing it as well so you can have a look and yell at me if anything is wrong.
Besides, it's nice to talk to people
I'm Kathryn, 17, live in Birmingham, love reading and music. I play the piano badly.
Look forward to hearing from you
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Kat - From H2G2 Posted Feb 5, 2005
Hullo? I am assuming that you are not too concerned what I do with your entry then. Some authors are like that, that's okay, just don't complain if you hate the results please
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ssbookworm12488 Posted Jan 21, 2006
soz, didn't mean to seem rude, haven't been on h2g2 much for a while, and when i have been i often dont look at my space, i didn't even realise that you had posted anything! oops
Thanks for your work on the entry, you did a good job my amateurish attempt at writing needed some sorting out lol
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