This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford


Post 1


Hi Sally, not sure this will make sense.

I went to sign-in and a new form popped up saying the BBC has improved the sign-in procedure. Re-assured me there would be no loss of existing access to work, posts, pf, or "nickname" etc. Looked good, and I assumed it might be a reaction to the recent ghost users and ID accusations.

Trouble was, it wouldn't allow me to use Paddiemac. So I changed to *obscurius* for the irony of it, only to emerge as a brand new newbie - divorced from my existing pf.

I can't delete *obscurius*, so I signed back as Paddiemac (no repeat of the new form), and left a post for caite (ed). Then I copied my intro and articles to hard-drive and put a note in my existing intro.

At time of writing, I have TWO personas on GW (how ironic is that?) and don't know what will happen next.

Main worry is that, if I must now become *obscurius*, iCan will be locked to me.

No idea what is going on. Just wanted to give advance notice.


Post 2

Sally Quilford

Very confusing Patrick! If you log in as Obscurious and then click on 'Retrieve My Details', there should be a function to delete that account entirely. I did it with my last Sally Q profile when I flounced off in a huff last Christmas smiley - winkeye

Other than that, Caite should be able to help you rid yourself of the spare profile.



Post 3



Feeling silly that I never thought of the retrieve my details option. Cheers for that.

Just deleted my alter-ego by email so hopefully won't now cause ructions.

The new sign-in form hasn't resurfaced yet but presumably we will all be invited to fill it in at some stage. Maybe somebody thought I would appreciate being first? smiley - smiley


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