This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Hear Hear!

Post 1


I have seconded your diary entry in iCan. Keep it up.

I have been very surprised at the absence of democracy and humility etc in recent days. I took a caplock kicking - not even to my face originally - for doing what I thought had been agreed.

Here is my considered views of why our behaviour now is important:

Unfortunately, any attempt to ask 'why' is immediately slapoped down with personal attacks and the equivalent of running off to the toilets to see who runs in to rally around.

I'm a hopeless leader too. (Ask my erstwhile colleagues after forteen years as a manager of them) But I recognise the qualities. Foster talent, be humble, listen more than speak, gently encourage and motivate, delegate and do not dictate -'I'm in charge!' I learnt that people permit you to lead them in this world - the only way to impose power is with a gun.

It is quite disturbing to witness how quickly we were usurped as grown-up individuals with a right to our own opinions.

I fear it might get enshrined! Then I'm off.

Hear Hear!

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Thanks Paddiemac. I thought you might think I was a bit presumptious putting it on Ican. I probably should have asked first, so thank you for being so generous about it.

I don't want to put down any efforts that people are making to save the site, but like you I'm concerned that the right of the individual is being eroded. We all pay the licence fee. We're all members here. So we have an equal say in what goes on. As I said on a different thread, I won't wait around for permission to act. This doesn't mean I don't support other actions, just that I support everyone's right to do what they think is best.

I briefly read your article earlier, but will have a closer looksmiley - ok


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