This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Hi Sally!

Post 1


I just wanted to let you know that I may not be online for a few days and that I haven't forgotten my duties to the subbing group. But also to warn you and others here about Windows XP. Well, more to ask who hasn't had problems with it. I had an ALMIGHTY crash yesterday and luckily I've been backing up my writing, though I will now have to trawl through the lower echelons of my hard drive for any lost photos. Please everybody - back everything up!!! And perhaps keep a written list of your favourite sites, coz it is a real pain when this happens and I don't want it to happen to you.
E smiley - teasmiley - cake

Hi Sally!

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Hi Scarlett! I'm sorry to hear about your computer problems. Don't worry about the subbing group. It will still be there when you get sorted. Just sort out your computer and get back to us soon smiley - ok

For the record, to anyone looking in, I back up all my writing in Yahoo briefcase, so that I've always got an online record of my work, in case the computer snarls up any disks. Go to and click on Briefcase in the menu below the search bar. There's about 30mb of storage (100mb if you have a btyahoo email address) and it's easy to create lots of Yahoo profiles for the sake of all that extra storage.


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