This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Just to let you know

Post 1


Unfortunately I have had computer problems that have resulted in me losing my password to the Get Writing website. The editors have told me that they cannot advise me of the password, so I have had to join again!

The upshot of this is that I am back as moorheather2, a reincarnation of moorheather!

Hope to take a more active part in the group now that I am reinstated!

Cheers Heather

Just to let you know

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Hi Heather
No problem. Passwords are a pain, aren't they Have you applied to rejoin the group in your new name?

Welcome back anyway.


Just to let you know

Post 3


Hi Sally,

I've just applied to join the group under my new name, so feel free to remove the original moorheather from the group listing.

Thank you, I know you are very busy at the moment.


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