This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Hi Sally

Post 1


I'm new to this great site, and like many folk here I'm keen to get published, so I took the advice of one of the site's editors and found your subbing group. I've just applied for membership... but at the risk of sounding daft, how does it work? I am a bit confused, but am keen to get going.
Looks like you've been working hard, so I will check out your work and wish you luck with it.
Thanks Sally.
Emerald (scarlettorocker)smiley - biggrin

Hi Sally

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Hi Emerald (sorry I've just called you Scarlett on another thread! It's early in the morning).

Welcome to the subbing group. I'm quite chuffed that the editors sent you here.

How it works is this: Within the group we have a thread called The Subs Thread. On that everyone adds their name to the list and how many subs they've had. For a quick example it might say:

Sally 00
Scarlett 00

Total 00

Then you may come along and say:

1 sub to Toowrite competition

Then you'd amend the list to

Sally 00
Scarlett 01
Total 01

Then if I had a sub, it becomes:

Sally 01
Scarlett 01
Total 02

It's up to every member to post their subs then update the totals at the end. We also count 'hits' (things we've subbed during the race that have been accepted by publishers/ezines etc) and that's reflected in the list.

If you follow the thread for a while, or just read through a few pages, you'll get the gist of it.

Any problems, just give me a shout. I usually log on a couple of times a day (at least!) though rarely after 10pm, so if you leave me a message in the evening I may not reply till the morning.

It's great to have you on board smiley - hug


Hi Sally

Post 3

Sally Quilford

Hi Scarlett (again!)
The subs thread is here

If you go to the Subbing Group homepage you'll see that the 'Rejections Clinic' under the homepage blurb. If you click 'view more conversations' under that, it will show you all other threads in the group.


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