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Gender Issues

Post 1


Hi Sally, to be serious a mo...

Just been reading guidelines for story subs to:

I read their advice on "21 century writing" with growing despair. All the craft books I've read to date insist on writing without fear or hostage to anything but the story.

Sanely, I would never write of the usual taboo subjects we all accept, and most guidelines make sure they are not forgotten anyway. Common sense insists magazine stories have to be decent.

But, and it is a big "but", how can a man KNOW what offends in matters such as "dimunitives" etc. This site is full of self-applied female diminutives (if I understand the term).

Here is a quote from the above site:

"Be very careful if dressing characters in disabling attire that is supportive of a gender power structure. For example, shoes that create disability, clothing that incapacitates or transforms the character into sexual prey."

I cannot understand this statement!

Would a conversation thread on this and related issues be appropriate/sensible? Where better to get good opinion than in a group like this?

For instance, Can I NOT put my female characters in "sexy" clothes? ( We don't need to get into specifics. I'll blush )
smiley - blush

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