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Post 1


Hello. I would love to join your new group. M+B may not be a the height of academic writing but it is about as pure a form of true escapism there is. When it is done well it is clever and funny. I love it. I love reading it and writing it. I have never submitted anything anywhere. I am hoping to start writing as a new career and ever since I watched the black and white Pride and Prejudice, this is one of my favourite styles. I didn't care that the costumes were all wrong for the time I just wanted to have an adventure where my feelings were repressed until the last chapter and misery and guilt was attached to every attraction. Thirteen years old and not much sense. Now the whole genre has moved on and become stylish and sophisticated but at its very root, we all want to be swept away by a dashing hero. We all want to feel the same powerful little rush we had as teenagers. So Thanks for your considerationsmiley - magic

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Post 2

Sally Quilford

Hi Maud
I've just okayed your membership. Sorry you had to wait, but I've just been away for the weekend.

I agree completely about romantic fiction. Apparently there was a study done once, and it was amazing how many professional women (doctors, lawyers, managers) actually enjoy reading them. I think it is that we are all expected to be superwomen nowadays; domestic goddesses, perfect mothers/wives, hard-headed businesswomen. Reading romantic fiction gives us an escape from all that, and I think that on a sub-conscious level we like the idea of a man (handsome and dashing of course smiley - winkeye) saying 'don't worry about it darling, leave it all to me'. Of course we'd never admit to that ....


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