This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Introducing Myself

Post 1


Hi Sally,

Just giving a brief introduction to myself. I have applied for membership for Womens fiction group! I write various things, amongst which i have written things with similar style to Sex in the City, only not as graphicly written on the sex side. To be honest im not as up on your level, only being a beginner to women's fiction, im really enthusiastic, but have no idea how to get published and reading your introduction about helping one another really interested me.

Hopefully speak soon

Clucky (aka Claire)

Introducing Myself

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Hi Claire!
You'll be very welcome in the group. I'm by no means the most successful women's fiction writer around here, but thank you for the kind comment anyway. Arrowqueen and Sheepdoglady are the stars of women's fiction.

I'll go and okay your membership now. I'm hoping to get some guidelines from Mills and Boon's website to add soon. They're not as easy to write for as you'd think. I've been turned down by them more than once, but it's worth a try. That's how Joanna Trollope and Penny Jordan started.

I'll 'see' you soon smiley - ok


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