This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Dragging On

Post 1

Lapsus Calami

Hey Sally,

Just getting hang of this site, and browsing. Definately a new home, considering there are so many familiar names.

Added you to my contacts, as a BeWriter I know we'll never run out of things to talk about. I feel a bit odd, too, in light of the recent tragedy, so I'm trying to avoid anything new there for a while. It's all subdued.


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Dragging On

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Hi Christina,
I'll add you to my contacts too, and if you want to email me privately to chat away from the boards, my email address is [email protected]

I know what you mean about Bewrite. I think Neil is trying his best to hold it together, but it's got to be hard on him.

It's okay here, but can get heated at times. The best thing to do at times like that is walk away, though I'm hardly in a position to advise smiley - winkeye


Dragging On

Post 3

Lapsus Calami

Cheers for the email.

I've done my best to keep actively posting, for Neil's sake. I can imagine what he's going through, and it hurts. I was going to post 'Painkillers' in the Works In Progress, but I was afraid the subject would upset people. It's not a happy piece, and I think right now people need happy.

Good luck with your recent entry to R&J.

Keep Writing


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