This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Sub rather than Comp?

Post 1


Morning Sally,

Bit of confusion on the sub threads - hope everyone finds the Let's Get Started thread ok.

I wondered whether it wouldn't be better to have the actually subbing thread visible on the 500 group page rather than Competitions. What do you think?


Sub rather than Comp?

Post 2


Just discovered that our Group is not listed under GW Groups, but even if it were, would anyone new searching for the subbing thread look under T?

Couldn't Caite plaster us over the Group page?

I'll let you know if I think of anything else smiley - winkeye


Sub rather than Comp?

Post 3

Sally Quilford

Hi Roz
There's no way of changing it, as they're in the reverse order in which I did them. The best thing I can do is restart the subbing thread so it's at the top.

I did leave a message on the GW groups page, inviting people in, but perhaps it's gone down the list somewhere.


Sub rather than Comp?

Post 4


Starting that new thread seems to have done the trick, Sally. Easier access.

Did you see my post 2 (above)?
I've had another look - we're nowhere to be found.

Sub rather than Comp?

Post 5

Sally Quilford

I wonder if the group has to have a certain number of members before it's listed Autumn. Or maybe it's the name, as there doesn't seem to be a section for groups with numbers.

I'll go and ask Caite and report back.


Sub rather than Comp?

Post 6

Sally Quilford

Hi Roz
Caite says it's because I gave the group a number, rather than a lettered name, so I've changed it to The Subbing Group. It's still not turning up yet, but maybe it takes a while...


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