This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Post 1


Hiya, Sally smiley - smiley Seems like I just popped my head above ground. I haven't been around here in a while. I like the new look, but I guess it'll take a while to get used to it.

Thanks for keeping me in your list of contacts. I was surprised to see my name there!

I'm going to have a wander around, and see what's happening. It looks like GW might be a bit of a more peaceful place these days! It looks more like a BC exiles places!

See you soon.


Post 2

Sally Quilford

Ay up Dools! Nice to see you back.smiley - hug I don't know about you, but I feel anything that I write at Bewrite seems frivolous at the moment in the light of sad events.

I hope you'll stick around here and join my subbing group. It's certainly got me subbing more nowadays.


Post 3


Hmmm. I'll think about it smiley - winkeye

Okay. I've thought about it. I will. smiley - ok

Any chance of a link? I still haven't navigated my way around this strange place yet.

You're right about BeWrite. I just don't want to burden Neil with anything more at the moment. And I'm tending to try to write for comps and stuff. They pay money smiley - smiley

G smiley - cheers

Post 4

Sally Quilford

Sure thing Dools. We're here It definitely works. I've subbed loads more since I've been taking part in the race.

I'm not subbing to Bewrite because I know that Neil has got over 100 pieces of work to work his way through. And, as you say, we need to be subbing to places that pay or with prize money. I love it over there, but I think it's important to spread our wings too, and I'm sure Neil would agree.

See you in the subbing group!


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