This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Hello from Charlotte Jones

Post 1


Hey Sally
It's me! I've popped back (mainly to support a friend who is new to writing and has joined the site) but I thought I'd drop by and say hi. I'm planning on keeping a low profile though....

(I'm sure you know who I am - I hope so! smiley - winkeye)

Hope you enjoyed your holiday and the OU thing is going well. I start Italian classes at the college in September as well as my OU course...


Hello from Charlotte Jones

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Hi Charlotte

Mmm, who are you? smiley - winkeye Only kidding. It's nice that the old gang are all returning. Did you get my email at I've removed myself from there and I sent you all my GPs. Use them wisely smiley - winkeye


Hello from Charlotte Jones

Post 3


Yes I did get your present at Thanks - it was really kind of you. I shall spend them whilst reviewing,

Catch you later....


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