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Russ jones2k

Post 1


iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check This Out! post 15

posted by russ_jones2k | posted 44 Minutes Ago
My real name is Russell Jones

Russ jones2k

Post 2


smiley - laugh Yeah, i caught it earlier!! Made me smile, normally he wouls have a wee banter.. Maybe too arly a morn, eh?! Awh, bless him!

Hey, Ive just sent you the PDF of Vol one - did you get it?

And btw, many thanks for all your help earlier. Mommaskid and Blobbafat have been in touch. I got Aliqot and a few others via WD.


Jen smiley - cheers

Pssst... Is it still too early to have a beer???? smiley - winkeye

Russ jones2k

Post 3


Jen, you've been up all night. How can it be too early? I don't know how you do it. Have one on the house!smiley - cheers

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