This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Real Name

Post 1


Jen, can I have Sarah Star put as my name on the anthology? It's not my real name, but I have used it when I've had stories published.

Real Name

Post 2


btw is there anything I can do to help?

Real Name

Post 3


Yes, will use Sarah-Star no problem. You did actually say that in an earlier post - sorry. lol

THINK I have most of it under control but never expected so many to put stuff in. It is looking good so far, just chasing a few for details on their names and residence. Will give it a day or so.

Actually I was unsure if nemo wanted me to include her real name and I know that she is a freind of yours, would you mind asking her for me?


Oh, also a few from GW I have yet to ask for real names in here also and their residence are:


I was going to send them the same message I sent you and a few others. Think only aliqot is on WD though.

Would you mind, or have a moment, to send them a note to their ports, and they can either post their answers as to REAL name & country on the main thread or direct to me?

Thanks a million, Essie, I do appreciate this. If you are busy, don't worry about it. I'm here for a few hours anyway.



Real Name

Post 4


I'll ask them for you, Jen.

Should think Nemo would be OK about using her real name, but I'll ask her in the morning. She's probably in bed now.

Will get onto the others pronto.

Real Name

Post 5


Awh... you're a weee dote! Thank-you! Much appreciated. smiley - kiss

Real Name

Post 6


For some reason it won't let me leave aliqot a message. It keeps coming up that I need to be a member, yet my name is on the screen. Will try with the rest of your list.

Real Name

Post 7



Really cheers for this. As for 'aliqot' they are also a member on WD. I have been sending some PM's to folk in there who are rarely in here anymore. I'll try and get them instead.

Real Name

Post 8


Have left messages for everyone else. However, I suddenly found myself writing something completely different, so I hope what I've put makes sense. Will go to bed now as I'm falling asleep and my fingers just keep going.

Take care, Jen.

Real Name

Post 9


Hey, see this next party we all have? Well, I owe you a bottle of smiley - bubbly!

Thanks and do sleep well,

Jen smiley - rose

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