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Top of this beautiful mornin to ya PenJen

Post 1


Did I tell you my granda was Irish?

Just dropping in to give you my real name, hope I am not to late.

Ali Froud.

Top of this beautiful mornin to ya PenJen

Post 2


smiley - stout
smiley - stout
smiley - stout

Top of this beautiful mornin to ya PenJen

Post 3


'Tis a gorgeous sunny morning here too and i hope it will stay sunny that way as we will be taking on The Welsh in the rugby! smiley - goodluck Which is actually 'goodluck' in brackets - strange!

Yes, I do remember reading somewhere, ages ago, that you had some emerald blood in you. (Gawd, that makes you sound like an alien!).

So will add the 'real' identity to spidey -Tá!

Have a lovely w'end, Missus!

(Me more a beer dear. Could never quite get the taste for the black stuff, and I habve tried!) smiley - alesmiley - laugh

Top of this beautiful mornin to ya PenJen

Post 4


My lifelong romance with smiley - stout ended in '99 in a small Derbyshire town. Had a riotous w'end when I went up there to stay with an old friend and overdid the blackstuff. There is a wall in Clowne which is christened Ali's barfing wall. I am a legend!!!!!!!


Oh, and a warning, never mix your drinks, especially Shepherd Neame's winter porter followed by a Morgan's Spice chaser.

This leads to a 'head over the loo for half the night' scenario.

I live in the home town of Shepherd Neame brewery BTW. It smells real strange around here on certain days of the week.


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