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A favour?

Post 1


i was wondering if I could take advantage of your wonderful critiqing and ask if you could cast your eye over one of my posts - a guide to dating (part 2) (not sure if you read the first one but that's there as well).
I feel it needs something but am at a loss as to waht and would appreciate any feedback you can give me as this is a bit different to the stuff I normally write.
Only if you get the time of course!
Justinesmiley - cheers

A favour?

Post 2



Of course I will! I did read the Part one ages ago, don't know if i left comment back then. If not, I will. I'll have more time tomorrow night, in the wee small hours and will read them then. I
hadn't realised you had a Part two piece up. I might even learn a few things or two from the pro-princess herself! smiley - winkeyeThat's what buddies are for, eh?

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

A favour?

Post 3


thanks jen
And on that note i really am going to bed!
Justinesmiley - bubbly

A favour?

Post 4


Sweet dreams and rest easy!
Catch ye soon.

smiley - hug

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